Feb 282014

So…it is official, the new residents from just under a month ago are here to stay.

They are growing ever bigger and taking on their own personalities. I have adopted them and they are settling right in. πŸ˜€

13-Feb-2014 17:09, Apple iPhone 5s, 2.2, 4.12mm, 0.067 sec, ISO 320
15-Feb-2014 11:32, Apple iPhone 5s, 2.2, 4.12mm, 0.008 sec, ISO 50
22-Feb-2014 17:10, Apple iPhone 5s, 2.2, 4.12mm, 0.067 sec, ISO 320

We are also in the process of potty training in terms of using the toilet for the bathroom instead of a litter box. It’s a slow process, but hopefully we will get there.

After training them to go to the toilet area with the litter box, the box has now been removed and the litter is in the toilet area.

23-Feb-2014 15:59, Apple iPhone 5s, 2.2, 4.12mm, 0.05 sec, ISO 320

So, we will see if they can get used to going without the litter in time. πŸ˜€

It is definitely nice to have some company. The black one is Mia or ‘Mimi’ and the tabby peppered colored one is Pippi – short for Pipsqueak. Originally it was thought they were the same age and from the same litter. However, the first vet visit revealed what makes more sense. Mia is the older sister at now 17 weeks and Pippi is the younger at now 14 weeks. They are very healthy and clean. At the moment, they are starting to get feistier and friskier, so in another couple of weeks they will get fixed and have another round of vaccines. Hopefully after that they will be a bit calmer – we can hope! πŸ˜€

In general, they are quite good and I’m happy to have the new kits on the block. πŸ˜‰

-T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 13:13
Feb 272014

So, last night I took a night off to stay around home.

Initially, I had planned to work on my research applications that were due on Sunday. However, I managed to get a week extension and so decided to relax, watch some TV and get to bed before 11/11.30. Just an hour difference in my bedtime was significant. I did not sleep any more than I would have, but I got up early and managed to get my morning things done, which just sets off my day so much better than when I don’t or I do in a tired state.

This has made me realize how strict I need to be with my bedtime and to also ensure that I stop planning so much on the weeknights. It is not that I cannot go out, but rather that I come back sooner. πŸ˜‰ Β In reality, this week was a bit of a fluke as I do not normally go out soooo much during the week. Hopefully, next week will be a bit better.

In any case, we have made it to the end of the week at last! Woohoo!!!

-T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 05:55
Feb 262014

πŸ˜€ Okay, so I’m really tired. Too much fun being had lately – is that such a bad thing?! πŸ˜‰

So, I’m just in need of some quality stress-free sleep. I’m not sure when that is going to happen, but maybe I will put it into my schedule! haha. ;D

Anyway, all is good – just tired. Off to the next thing…

-T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 08:34
Feb 252014

That is my mind at the moment. I am not sure if I am just too tired to think or if I am so content that I don’t have much going on or if I am so much going on that I don’t know where to start. Maybe it’s a combination of everything?

In any case, things are really good. I feel content – busy but content.

So, I don’t know what to write at the moment…. πŸ˜‰

-T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 17:21
Feb 242014

I am still enjoying the feeling of calm and joy from the other night. No, I’m not talking about sex. πŸ˜› I’m talking about having an over four-hour night of engaging conversation over dinner and coffee with a friend.

Most of my really good and true friends are the people in my life with whom I can talk on and on for hours. Take my BFF, for example. We can have marathon sessions of conversation – on the phone, in person, over chat. It’s easy and fun. We never get bored or need other forms of entertainment when we are together – we ARE the entertainment. πŸ˜‰

The other night I met a friend whom I hadn’t seen or caught up with since before Christmas. We have been friends a long time and it was the first time we had seen each other since the break up. He is also friends with R and has seen us from the beginning to the end. It is usually a good time conversing when we get together, but Friday night was something special – and I don’t mean in any way other than a peaceful joy. We met for dinner and then decided to continue with coffee/tea. The stores started shutting down when I asked for the time as it seemed early still. It was nearly 11pm! We had met around 6:30!!! It was such a shock and so far past my usual bedtime, yet I hadn’t once felt tired.

It was really lovely to have an intellectual and heart connection like that. It’s rejuvenating to the soul when that happens. Since my BFF and I are not in the same country it is harder to fill that void of a kindred spirit. Although, no one can ever replace her in fulfilling that space, I am grateful that now and then I can gain some elements of it from my friends here. <3

-T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 06:10
Feb 232014

So…I’m most definitely NOT in a hurry to find another relationship. However, I also think there is nothing wrong with meeting new people and maybe going on a few dates. You gotta be open to the possibilities of the right person coming along after all. πŸ˜‰

Since my big event out on V-day, I have been keeping in touch with my new friends.

While I do not consider that I am dating anyone at the moment, I have found that the scene has changed. No longer do we spend hours on the phone trying to learn everything we can about each other. Instead, we send texts. For me, the introverted kinda shy girl, it’s very comfortable. I can text back and forth with very little risk and I can process before I respond. Also, we can have contact every day without having to be together or feel pressure about seeing one another. In a way, I fit right in to this modern-day scene.

However, I am curious to know how much has changed when the face-to-face meet up actually happens. Will he come up with the plan?Β Will he pick me up at my building and open/hold doors for me?Β Will he pay the bill?

Some of my friends have said that these days everyone splits the bills and men aren’t chivalric anymore. I don’t know if that is totally true, especially in this part of the world. So, I guess we will see. When the time comes for a real date, I will undoubtedly share the experience here. πŸ˜›

-T πŸ˜€


 Posted by at 20:14
Feb 212014

Now that I am back in my own space again and fairly settled, I have decided to return to the world of Couchsurfing. I just feel like I am blessed with extra space in my apartment that is not being used that much, so why not offer people an opportunity to stay somewhere for free on their travels? Maybe one day I will get to do the same.

My friends have said it sounds crazy. They ask about the possibility of people stealing my things or being ‘weird’ and they are in my home. However, I respond with the fact that nothing I have is something I worry about being stolen. If people really want to steal my things while I am gone I cannot stop them. As for the ‘weird’ness, well, aren’t we all?

Sure, I’ve had a fair share of interesting stories about my guests, but overall I have found that someone who uses CS is a certain type of person. Most of the time they are very interesting and have a curiosity about the world – thus they are traveling and staying in a stranger’s home! So, I recently said that if I have to start worrying about my things or my safety, then I won’t do CS anymore. Until then, I am enjoying meeting new people and having temporary roommates.

-T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 08:33
Feb 192014

Here I am again, single and wondering if it’s a good thing, a bad thing or just is?

For the most part, I am enjoying being on my own again. I have a really great support group through my friends and so it is much easier to keep myself busy or to share my feelings about this process of learning to be single.

However, almost all of my close friends have significant others – whether married or a regular boyfriend/girlfriend to be with. So, it’s not easy to be the only one without a partner when we go out in groups.

Therefore, I decided that I am an adult. I am a mostly confident, strong and beautiful woman. I can go out on my own and make new friends. So….I did and am. As an introvert this is not an easy thing to do. Still, I went out and met a few people – guys. I am SOOOO not looking to have a relationship with anyone, but I figured I can date and go out to have some fun now and then. If someone awesome comes along that is great, but if not, I am ok with that – for now.

Plus, I have my coaching activities and that’s a great opportunity to meet other like-minded individuals.

Thus, the good news is that I am not sitting at home feeling sorry for myself on being single and alone. Although some might say I am keeping busy to avoid myself, I do not believe that is the case. I keep busy because I cannot sit still doing nothing and because stimulating the mind to try new things outside of the norm is engaging to me. I like meeting new people, actually. I like being free to just be who I am and challenge myself to be more.

It reminds me a lot of my NYC days – that was the woman I wanted to be. Now, I am finding her again renewed and ready to live life fully!

-T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 07:19
Feb 182014

A quick note today. All is well. I suppose I have a bit to catch up with events and things that have been going on, so I will try to do that later. For today, life is all goooood! πŸ˜€


 Posted by at 05:45

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