Feb 192014

Here I am again, single and wondering if it’s a good thing, a bad thing or just is?

For the most part, I am enjoying being on my own again. I have a really great support group through my friends and so it is much easier to keep myself busy or to share my feelings about this process of learning to be single.

However, almost all of my close friends have significant others – whether married or a regular boyfriend/girlfriend to be with. So, it’s not easy to be the only one without a partner when we go out in groups.

Therefore, I decided that I am an adult. I am a mostly confident, strong and beautiful woman. I can go out on my own and make new friends. So….I did and am. As an introvert this is not an easy thing to do. Still, I went out and met a few people – guys. I am SOOOO not looking to have a relationship with anyone, but I figured I can date and go out to have some fun now and then. If someone awesome comes along that is great, but if not, I am ok with that – for now.

Plus, I have my coaching activities and that’s a great opportunity to meet other like-minded individuals.

Thus, the good news is that I am not sitting at home feeling sorry for myself on being single and alone. Although some might say I am keeping busy to avoid myself, I do not believe that is the case. I keep busy because I cannot sit still doing nothing and because stimulating the mind to try new things outside of the norm is engaging to me. I like meeting new people, actually. I like being free to just be who I am and challenge myself to be more.

It reminds me a lot of my NYC days – that was the woman I wanted to be. Now, I am finding her again renewed and ready to live life fully!

-T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 07:19

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