Feb 282014

So…it is official, the new residents from just under a month ago are here to stay.

They are growing ever bigger and taking on their own personalities. I have adopted them and they are settling right in. πŸ˜€

13-Feb-2014 17:09, Apple iPhone 5s, 2.2, 4.12mm, 0.067 sec, ISO 320
15-Feb-2014 11:32, Apple iPhone 5s, 2.2, 4.12mm, 0.008 sec, ISO 50
22-Feb-2014 17:10, Apple iPhone 5s, 2.2, 4.12mm, 0.067 sec, ISO 320

We are also in the process of potty training in terms of using the toilet for the bathroom instead of a litter box. It’s a slow process, but hopefully we will get there.

After training them to go to the toilet area with the litter box, the box has now been removed and the litter is in the toilet area.

23-Feb-2014 15:59, Apple iPhone 5s, 2.2, 4.12mm, 0.05 sec, ISO 320

So, we will see if they can get used to going without the litter in time. πŸ˜€

It is definitely nice to have some company. The black one is Mia or ‘Mimi’ and the tabby peppered colored one is Pippi – short for Pipsqueak. Originally it was thought they were the same age and from the same litter. However, the first vet visit revealed what makes more sense. Mia is the older sister at now 17 weeks and Pippi is the younger at now 14 weeks. They are very healthy and clean. At the moment, they are starting to get feistier and friskier, so in another couple of weeks they will get fixed and have another round of vaccines. Hopefully after that they will be a bit calmer – we can hope! πŸ˜€

In general, they are quite good and I’m happy to have the new kits on the block. πŸ˜‰

-T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 13:13

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