Feb 162014

Okay, so my previous post was about unplugging and I had some lofty goals for what that meant. πŸ˜‰

First, I did finish my book brief, which is a HUGE load off. While I really enjoy the work and getting a little extra cash, it does put a lot of pressure on me. So, it is a bit of a blessing that they are having some financial problems at the moment and had to suspend my contract work until they get things sorted. Maybe I will have a little more breathing room now.

After I finished, it took me a couple of hours to figure out what to do with myself, so I kept going back to my phone to check my emails and FB. However, I realized at some point that I needed to unwind. What better way to do that than to play some Candy Crush? πŸ˜‰ Hahah.

Anyway, I did do some reading. I went for a short swim – I’m out of practice – and sat in the sun for a while. I went to the mall to get groceries. I watched some TV and I took a nap! I actually took time for a nap! Then, I relaxed and went out to dinner before getting ready for an early bedtime.

So, although I did not completely stay away from my wifi/Internet habits/addiction 100%, I did take a break from the computer and accomplished most of my goals with it. Next week I will do better. πŸ˜€


 Posted by at 05:14

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