Feb 102014

Is it possible?

Although I am letting go of my anger (see yesterday’s post), I am still angry. Every now and then I recall words, phrases or attitudes and I am shocked at how I did not respond initially to them. How could I have not said something then? <sigh> Everything is always clearer upon reflection.

Anyway, I am trying to just work on stopping all thoughts of him. However, it’s hard when he’s been the first and last thing I think about each day for the past four years.

I read something this morning on FB about how to keep relationships together (mostly marriage), but as I read it I thought how I had done so much and he had done so little. It’s not really fair or right to think in this way, especially now that it’s over. Still, it continues to make me feel better about the fact that I really was not the reason for this break. Usually I can find a way to let the ‘blaming devil’ convince me that I am at fault; however, this time he’s trying but not working. Point one for Angel T! πŸ˜‰

So…with every deep breath is a release of the negative energy and an intake of all that is positive and light in the world.

-T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 08:01

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