Jan 312014

It’s never easy moving and even harder when it’s after a ‘break up’. However, the sense of my own space and living in my own way again is very freeing and relaxing.

This morning I finished putting away the last few things and now just have some decorating matters to sort out, but there’s no real rush on that.

So, here’s the place according to Tara:

Master bedroom –

Master bedroom
Master bedroom31-Jan-2014 13:16, Apple iPhone 5s, 2.2, 4.12mm, 0.042 sec, ISO 320

Purple love affair, I know. πŸ˜€ Right now, the TV is in the master room because I can’t sell it due to a lot of winter sales still going on and no one wants to buy it. So, I’m holding on to it for now. Having a TV in the bedroom is never a good idea to me, but it’s there for now…. I am also waiting on my Dali painting to come in a couple of weeks and I will probably put it up over my bed.

Guest room / Office –

Guest room/ office
Guest room/ office31-Jan-2014 13:15, Apple iPhone 5s, 2.2, 4.12mm, 0.033 sec, ISO 50
Guest room/ office
Guest room/ office31-Jan-2014 13:16, Apple iPhone 5s, 2.2, 4.12mm, 0.033 sec, ISO 125

The space is a little bit tight because I’ve put my office in here as well, but it’s okay. The idea was to be able to watch TV on my computer and I can lay on the bed here for that. Guests can too if I like them enough! Haha. This room is basically done, but I think I will put up some wall shelves to put my teddy bears and perhaps I’ll dig out a few of my pictures to put. This may become my “Asia” room. Not sure yet.

Entryway –

Entryway31-Jan-2014 13:16, Apple iPhone 5s, 2.2, 4.12mm, 0.025 sec, ISO 40

Other than my shoe box and the rug, this is a very sparse space. I am going to look about getting a credenza or something to put on one of the walls and I’ll get some of the square lacquer shelves from Ikea so that I can put pottery and pictures there so it will feel homey when you enter. πŸ™‚

Living room and Dining area –

Living room
Living room31-Jan-2014 13:16, Apple iPhone 5s, 2.2, 4.12mm, 0.025 sec, ISO 50
Dining area
Dining area31-Jan-2014 13:16, Apple iPhone 5s, 2.2, 4.12mm, 0.025 sec, ISO 40

The dining area is the same as before. I have a mirror that I will put up over the table.

The living room is my favorite space because it’s just about hanging out and relaxing. With no TV there, it’s so nice! The new sofa turns into a bed so more guests can stay – yes, I’m doing Couchsurfing again – and it’s a nice space for me to read and look out over the evening view.

Kitchen –

Kitchen31-Jan-2014 13:17, Apple iPhone 5s, 2.2, 4.12mm, 0.025 sec, ISO 40

So, for just me, I can sit at the bar to eat or whatever. The kitchen counters are freer since I put most stuff on the cart and the water dispenser fits just right next to the fridge leaving the space still open but not so cluttered. I’m pretty happy with this as it is. I think I’m set with my appliances as well since I got a nice Nespresso machine and my blender is good. I don’t need much else really. πŸ˜€

That’s my home! I’m looking forward to the decorating and am contemplating painting, but am not sure it is worth the trouble yet…. For now, it’s good to feel ‘at home’. πŸ˜€


 Posted by at 13:31
Jan 302014

Moving has almost finished. However, now it’s all about cleaning and getting everything settled so that it really feels like home. So, I am almost there…. Today I’ve got the windows cleaned and the house will be thoroughly cleaned later. I’ll get some groceries and then hopefully have some time to decorate a bit. After that, I will take pictures and show y’all my ‘new’ home. πŸ˜€


 Posted by at 08:54
Jan 282014

I’m still moving…. There’s a lot of little things that I have collected over the years and it takes time to get it all sorted. I’m hoping to get the bulk of it at least packed up today and then move the last bits of furniture tomorrow night. Wish me luck!!! πŸ˜€


 Posted by at 06:59
Jan 272014

Something amazing I learned this weekend is the power of connections. Those that we make between people, but also those we become aware of in our lives.

For example, I was thinking this morning how while I am moving out and away from R, which feels like the end of something; it is actually the beginning of something new. This action is connected to a better future – with or without being in a relationship with R.

Another example, as I take time away to focus on developing coaching skills, I find that I have more time and focus to do the other things I need to do, such as the Phd or taking care of work or errands. This morning, I even practiced an initial meditation session (as I had agreed to do from the workshop this weekend) and it has already brought me a calm to start off my day. It’s really cool.

So, I am starting to see these connections and the power of influence. I think now I’m starting to understand how people can shift their hearts and minds from being internal to being external and really loving life and the people in it. πŸ˜€


 Posted by at 07:10
Jan 262014

CTI banner


Doing life coaching sessions with Karen really turned me on to the idea that it is something I could actually do as well.

People have told me that I’m a good listener and that I often have wise/good advice to give when asked.

So, when a friend of mine said he was taking coaching classes in Dubai, I became curious! After looking at the CTI site for Dubai and thinking for a while, I decided to go for it. It’s a bit of an investment and given that I’m still paying for my PhD, it’s a little crazy; however, I didn’t want to wait until I finish the PhD to get started. My thinking is that I will be finished with both around the same time and that will fortify my qualifications in the direction of leadership, leadership training and possibly executive coaching.

It is a 5-course program with an opportunity to get certified through a 6-month long certification process at the end. So, it’s a ‘long-ish’ journey, but if the beginning is anything like the rest of it – it’s going to be A-mazing!

The first course happened this past weekend (thus, no posts), and was an intense 2.5 days. The other courses are 3 full days. So, I headed to Dubai on Thursday afternoon and got started on the Fundamentals course.

It is hard to describe it in its entirety, but there were 23 other participants, two leaders and two assistants. By the time we finished on Saturday, it was as if we had all become family and connected on a level that usually takes years to develop between friends. I actually cried in front of these people!!! What, the what?! πŸ˜‰

On top of the bond, I learned sooooooo much. Even though I am a good listener and can give wise advice, this is such a small part of the entire idea of coaching. Most people, like me, went in thinking coaching was all about me and how I can help others through me. However, it’s not about me at all! We learned just the beginning of skills that focus all attention on the other person (client) and how to help him or her to reach his/her own amazing potential and to see/own it for themselves. This is empowerment.

There’s so much more to learn and develop, but mostly I need practice! Good thing I’ve got a few people lined up, which I feel quite blessed about.


Our model is called Co-Active. This means that doing ‘both/and’ being as a person work together to make us whole, alive in the now, sees all as natural, creative, resourceful and whole and evokes transformation (did that sentence make sense?).

For me, holding people as “BIG” (sees all as …) was the most challenging given how much I tend to dislike or trust people. However, I was reminded of the feelings I get when I see people unite, like in standing ovations, and it is this amazing feeling that I need to hold for all people. With that belief and attitude, my perspective changes and I can see each person as beautiful, amazing and full of wonderful potential.

So, in a way, it’s like a spiritual awakening, but one that is not about me at all. It’s all about the people in this world, which is going to take some time to sink in fully.

My next course isn’t until April due to scheduling and my breaks, but I can’t wait! I’m also thinking about so many possibilities with this. πŸ˜€


Jan 232014

I am Malala

_I Am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban_ by Malala Yousafzai

Some months back, my friend P asked me if I had heard about this girl in Pakistan who had been shot and then taken to the UK for treatment. I had no idea, of course, given that I pay almost no attention to the news.

P continued to follow the story, but I had somewhat forgotten about it.

Then, I was watching on FB, the main source of my news and saw a video posted fromΒ The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.

I was so impressed by her story that I decided to read the book.

Although it is not written with high literary technique, it does tell a very fascinating story. In fact, it made me reconsider the idea of going to Afghanistan or even Pakistan to teach. (That has passed, by the way!) It was a rather quick and easy read, but so amazing to hear about how there are so many pockets of the world that still are so corrupt and ridiculous. How can men desire power so much at the expense of a country or a generation of women who desire to be educated? What amazing fear these men must have towards women and the power of education.

I’m also impressed at Malala’s maturity and desire to change her country. It must be quite a contrast for her and her family to now be living in a world of modernity and access to everything except what she desires most – her homeland….

So, I recommend it and am glad that something from the news entered into my world positively. πŸ™‚

-T πŸ˜€

Jan 222014

It started last night as I was preparing for my interview coming up today. I won’t talk about that much here until afterwards. In any case, I was going up and down in my planning and thinking. Then, I went out last night and never got into the groove….

My experience with taxi drivers while riding alone in this country continues to be one I need to avoid. It wasn’t so much anything he said, but more how he behaved…. They are just not normal people…. So, my solution from now on is to drive and not drink unless I am in the company of someone else. At least, until I find another country to live in. πŸ˜‰

This morning, I got up a little later than usual – tomorrow I plan to sleep in! However, after I finished my interview planning again, I am not concentrating well or doing anything productive as I should. I suppose there’s nothing really wrong with that…just seems off.

-T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 07:00
Jan 212014

A Wizard of EarthSea

_A Wizard of Earthsea (The Earthsea Cycle)_ by Ursula K. Le Guin

Back in the days of L, I first heard of Ursula Le Guin. I had never heard the name before although she is apparently well-known amongst young adult readers. It must have been in a time that by-passed me….

Since I do occasionally like a fantasy novel, I put her on my someday reading list. Then, recently a colleague was talking about one of the books in her series that he really likes. So, I heard the name again. Thus, when I found myself a few months back with nothing interesting to read, I decided to start her Earthsea series.

This is the first one.

It was definitely written for a young adult audience and it might even be fair to say the male young adult, nerdy-type. However, it was still an engaging read and not at all like the Harry Potter series, which I think is good. It was written in the late 1960’s, the next two in the early 70’s and the last two in late 90’s to early 2000’s, with a total of five books in the series.

So, with the first one it is clear it is a different time just by the simplicity of the character’s life. He struggled with his inner battle between the good and the bad. It was a personal struggle. However, I am curious to see how the tone might change in the latter books.

I am not in a particular rush to read the next ones, but I imagine that I will get through them eventually. πŸ˜€


Jan 212014


_Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption_ by Laura Hillenbrand

Somehow this book got lost in my reading posts, which is funny because it came back into my life after having read a while ago.

Laura Hillenbrand tells a biographical tale of Louis Zamperini, an Italian American from California who becomes an Olympic miler and goes off to the war in the Pacific. It is almost impossible to believe that one man could have survived everything Zamperini did, but that’s why it becomes a story worth telling.

For a non-fiction story, this is a captivating read especially if you like war stories and survival.

Strangely, after I read it (I don’t even know how long ago), I started a freelance writing job that requires books to be rewritten in brief form. So, to avoid copyright issues, about 25% of the book is summarized for quick reads. My first assignment was this book, which was great because I had already read it despite its hefty length.

Now, my summary – Book Brief – is in print (digitally). Here’s a link if you want to read the book in a shortened form. πŸ˜€

Jan 202014

So, yesterday, I did not actually get my morning task done. Sometimes I get really side-tracked. I did do other things; I’m just not sure what that was overly productive.

Now that I’m a bit freer with my time and trying to get myself back into the PhD work again, I spend more time thinking. As I keep thinking about stuff with R, I swing back and forth from it’s a great thing to it’s a stupid thing.

Usually, when I think about the small things I only think of the positives. I am the type that says it’s the small stuff that makes the big stuff. So, a smile, a thank you, a flower, a touch – these are the small things that make us feel loved. I believe that if we start with changes in ourselves this will cause changes in others; thus starting small and moving to big.

However, if I apply this same concept to the negative, I start to better understand what happened. It did start with the small stuff – at least for R. He didn’t like a look, a tone, a word, an action – these led to his feeling annoyed and then angry and then to a big fight. Enough of these makes the fights bigger and stronger until it does not become worth the effort.

Same concept – different directions.

So, I get it.

However, I’m an idealist in love. Love should override everything in my world. It covers a multitude of sins, right? Yet, I wonder….

I mean what is it that I want to hang on to between us? What is it that I am losing by not having a romantic relationship that I won’t get in having a friendship? What will I actually gain from this change in connection between us?

Although it is hard and my heart does ache, I am starting to accept that perhaps this is just another small step towards a bigger future.

-T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 05:44

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