Feb 012014

So, it was a tentative plan to spend about a week or two completely away from R in order to reposition him in my heart and life. However, it’s VERY difficult to do this.

I almost made it all day yesterday even though I was not overly happy about it. The only reason it did not happen is because I could not get my Apple TV working and my plan to enjoy TV in bed was greatly foiled after spending over two hours trying to get it working.

He seemed happy to hang out with me and so we watched a movie together. I know this is not easy for him either, but then I wonder why do it at all. Overall, I suppose it is all for the best and we are probably better off as friends, but there’s a lot coming up for me at the moment that makes it more difficult. So, hopefully all of this will become easier….

-T 😐

 Posted by at 09:20

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