Feb 132014

The week is just about finished, thank goodness! I really need a good, long sleep!

It’s been pretty good overall, just busy with couchsurfing, entertaining and work. I have another brief I’m working on and will force myself to plow through tonight and tomorrow, so that Saturday will be a complete day of rest, especially as I’m getting new couchsurfers.

There’s a lot happening between work and life that I am actually finding it a little hard to keep up, but I am trying. So far, it is going okay and hopefully next week will be a bit easier since I will have a half-teaching schedule. πŸ˜€

Anyway, nothing major to write here, but you can keep up with different thought at The Universal Asian. πŸ˜‰

More later!

-T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 05:49

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