Feb 172014

Yesterday, I felt like a ball of tension.

It started with a couchsurfer’s email to me calling me Sarah and not Tara. We’ve exchanged messages and she’s staying at my place starting today. However, for some reason I was super teed off by the mistake. I’m sure it was an honest one, but it shifted my day somehow.

When I got to work, the printer/copy machine was not working, so even though I got there early I was late getting my materials prepared, which led me to feel annoyed towards my colleagues who waited until Saturday night to finish sending materials needed for Sunday morning. This is sooooo not my style. However, in the end I realized it did NOT matter a bit.

Everything went off just fine and after quite a few deep breaths and the afternoon free from teaching I felt so much better. Plus, the yoga and pottery after work were helpful in letting the tension go.

Still, I found that I was just letting things get to me more than it should. It could be hormonal. It could be me fighting a low or the negative devil in my head. In any case, I was wound up tight yesterday and am glad for a good night’s sleep and a new day. Hopefully, today will be even better than yesterday’s end. πŸ™‚

-T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 06:55

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