Feb 172014

Yesterday, I felt like a ball of tension.

It started with a couchsurfer’s email to me calling me Sarah and not Tara. We’ve exchanged messages and she’s staying at my place starting today. However, for some reason I was super teed off by the mistake. I’m sure it was an honest one, but it shifted my day somehow.

When I got to work, the printer/copy machine was not working, so even though I got there early I was late getting my materials prepared, which led me to feel annoyed towards my colleagues who waited until Saturday night to finish sending materials needed for Sunday morning. This is sooooo not my style. However, in the end I realized it did NOT matter a bit.

Everything went off just fine and after quite a few deep breaths and the afternoon free from teaching I felt so much better. Plus, the yoga and pottery after work were helpful in letting the tension go.

Still, I found that I was just letting things get to me more than it should. It could be hormonal. It could be me fighting a low or the negative devil in my head. In any case, I was wound up tight yesterday and am glad for a good night’s sleep and a new day. Hopefully, today will be even better than yesterday’s end. πŸ™‚

-T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 06:55
Feb 162014

Okay, so my previous post was about unplugging and I had some lofty goals for what that meant. πŸ˜‰

First, I did finish my book brief, which is a HUGE load off. While I really enjoy the work and getting a little extra cash, it does put a lot of pressure on me. So, it is a bit of a blessing that they are having some financial problems at the moment and had to suspend my contract work until they get things sorted. Maybe I will have a little more breathing room now.

After I finished, it took me a couple of hours to figure out what to do with myself, so I kept going back to my phone to check my emails and FB. However, I realized at some point that I needed to unwind. What better way to do that than to play some Candy Crush? πŸ˜‰ Hahah.

Anyway, I did do some reading. I went for a short swim – I’m out of practice – and sat in the sun for a while. I went to the mall to get groceries. I watched some TV and I took a nap! I actually took time for a nap! Then, I relaxed and went out to dinner before getting ready for an early bedtime.

So, although I did not completely stay away from my wifi/Internet habits/addiction 100%, I did take a break from the computer and accomplished most of my goals with it. Next week I will do better. πŸ˜€


 Posted by at 05:14
Feb 142014

For a while I have been thinking about unplugging for one day a week. Of course, I have been putting it off because there is always something to be done. However, with this past week being what it was (busy!) and my life adjusting to new patterns, I thought it would be a good time to just give it a shot.

So, I am thinking that Saturdays I will unplug. Of course, I can’t not be available via phone or Skype, but that will be my only exception.

What will this unplugging look like?
*No FB
*No blogging
*No Internet surfing
*No phone use except to Skype or make necessary phone calls, but definitely no texting (guess I better warn my friends! ;))

*Reading books
*Relaxing in person with people
*Enjoying the sunshine and outdoors (within reasonable temperatures)
*Getting out of the house and away from digital distractions

Even as I write this, I’m pretty excited. So, I guess that means I better finish my briefing today so that I can comfortably unplug tomorrow!

-T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 08:33
Feb 132014

The week is just about finished, thank goodness! I really need a good, long sleep!

It’s been pretty good overall, just busy with couchsurfing, entertaining and work. I have another brief I’m working on and will force myself to plow through tonight and tomorrow, so that Saturday will be a complete day of rest, especially as I’m getting new couchsurfers.

There’s a lot happening between work and life that I am actually finding it a little hard to keep up, but I am trying. So far, it is going okay and hopefully next week will be a bit easier since I will have a half-teaching schedule. πŸ˜€

Anyway, nothing major to write here, but you can keep up with different thought at The Universal Asian. πŸ˜‰

More later!

-T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 05:49
Feb 112014

This was a phrase I heard a lot yesterday at work. We got some news that the bills are not being paid for some reason and so we might lose maintenance (thus use) of our xerox machines – which break down daily – and our main learning management system (Blackboard) may shut down!

It’s so interesting how on the outside everything can seem to be a well-oiled functioning machine, but then…the truth sets in and you see behind the glare of the shininess to reveal … less than ideal. πŸ˜‰

It made me consider us as people. Don’t we all try to present ourselves as well put together, well-adjusted, generally okay people? Yet, we bond with others over complaining about our lives hoping that someone else will feel our pain. It’s a fascinating dichotomy that makes me imagine, what we all stopped pretending and then bonded over the great things in our lives? How different would the world be then?

Last night, I cried. Really cried. It was the first time since Christmas Eve day. It hurt and yet it was needed. I wanted to run to get a hug, but that would serve no good. It was because I saw him in the hall yesterday and managed pleasantries. It was all so… fake. I’m NOT okay despite saying so in our exchange of “how’s it going?” Yet, that is what it has come to for now. <deep exhale, deep inhale>

So, while the wheels are falling off certain carts, I am working to tighten the bolts on mine and keep on keeping on! πŸ˜€


 Posted by at 06:08
Feb 102014

Is it possible?

Although I am letting go of my anger (see yesterday’s post), I am still angry. Every now and then I recall words, phrases or attitudes and I am shocked at how I did not respond initially to them. How could I have not said something then? <sigh> Everything is always clearer upon reflection.

Anyway, I am trying to just work on stopping all thoughts of him. However, it’s hard when he’s been the first and last thing I think about each day for the past four years.

I read something this morning on FB about how to keep relationships together (mostly marriage), but as I read it I thought how I had done so much and he had done so little. It’s not really fair or right to think in this way, especially now that it’s over. Still, it continues to make me feel better about the fact that I really was not the reason for this break. Usually I can find a way to let the ‘blaming devil’ convince me that I am at fault; however, this time he’s trying but not working. Point one for Angel T! πŸ˜‰

So…with every deep breath is a release of the negative energy and an intake of all that is positive and light in the world.

-T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 08:01
Feb 092014

Most of the time I try my best to avoid being angry. It’s true that I can then have a tendency to explode because I hold in my emotions, including anger. All throughout my years with various therapists, they have tried to tell me that anger is good for me and it’s okay to let it out. Sometimes I agreed and other times I did not.

However, I believe that now at 38-years-old I have finally accepted that anger is good for me.

For some, anger is their first emotion used as a defensive mechanism. For me, that would be denial – everything is great! πŸ˜‰

Anger for me is the last emotion in my processing. By the time I hit the anger mode, I have realized and accepted both my and the other party or parties role in a bad situation. It makes me angry that I was blind or poorly behaved. It makes me angry that the other party(s) were/are blind or poorly behaved. So, I’m at anger – or was at anger yesterday.

This morning, I’m at a little angry with more sadness. Nothing in life is perfect, but what makes relationships work between people is the fight to keep them going and strong. When one side does not fully participate it is at the expense of the other and to what end…?

So, it’s time to pick up my feet and start moving on up and onwards! πŸ˜€


 Posted by at 06:38
Feb 082014

One of the things we do in coaching is to make sure we are complete with people. We encourage people to be complete with others.

I had a session with Karen the other night because I want to try to stick to it at least once a month so that I do not fall out of practice. After having the coaching workshop, it was pretty interesting to see how her techniques followed the coaching sequence. πŸ™‚

Anyway, we talked about R, of course. My homework is to be complete with him and our situation. In order to do so, she said it takes 8 weeks of no contact whatsoever. What the What?! So, I initially thought I could do that. Then, after seeing him again, I changed my mind. 😐

Instead, I sent him an email and suggested once a week, but explained what Karen had said. He counter-offered with a two-week start at no contact. Surprisingly, he said that he thinks she is probably right. So, the universe is working for me in helping me to become complete with our break up. πŸ˜‰

I’m sure I will have more posts on this, but for now, I feel content with this as a start and maybe I will begin to mend. πŸ˜€


 Posted by at 09:08
Feb 072014

So…my plan all along had been to consider getting some kitties to keep me company once I had settled in. However, I was not in a particular rush and thought about first helping out a local volunteer organization, Feline Friends.

Last week, they posted an urgent need for help fostering cats and so I responded. I figured I could foster for a while and then maybe once I got used to things I could consider adopting little ones. So, I immediately got a response back needing a home for an older deaf kitty. However, I needed to wait until after I had returned from Qasr Al Sarab.

Once back I didn’t hear anything until the next day when the lady contacted me saying they had found a home for the deaf kitty, but that two little kittens needed a home. Hm…. I said I would consider it.

Shortly – minutes – after, I received a phone call. I agreed to go straight away to see the babies. Upon initial sight, I had decided I would take them. I made a quick visit to the pet shop to get supplies and paid far more than I should have for someone merely going to foster them…. πŸ˜‰ Then, I brought them home.

Within an hour, they were exploring the apartment.

Mia05-Feb-2014 17:17, Apple iPhone 5s, 2.2, 4.12mm, 0.033 sec, ISO 160
Pippi (Tina) & Mia
Pippi (Tina) & Mia05-Feb-2014 17:18, Apple iPhone 5s, 2.2, 4.12mm, 0.033 sec, ISO 320
Pippi (Tina)
Pippi (Tina)05-Feb-2014 17:19, Apple iPhone 5s, 2.2, 4.12mm, 0.033 sec, ISO 250

A couple of hours later, they were stuck to me like glue.

05-Feb-2014 18:21, Apple iPhone 5s, 2.2, 4.12mm, 0.042 sec, ISO 320
05-Feb-2014 18:23, Apple iPhone 5s, 2.2, 4.12mm, 0.048 sec, ISO 32
05-Feb-2014 18:36, Apple iPhone 5s, 2.2, 4.12mm, 0.067 sec, ISO 2000
05-Feb-2014 18:53, Apple iPhone 5s, 2.2, 4.12mm, 0.067 sec, ISO 1600

Over the night I put them in a cage, (no, it’s not cruel!) and let them settle in to their new home. By the next morning, they were comfortable enough to have a romp after morning breakfast and then again let me know that they are staying.

06-Feb-2014 09:28, Apple iPhone 5s, 2.2, 4.12mm, 0.033 sec, ISO 250

So…at the moment my allergies are holding out. If they are on my lap too much I start to get a little congested, but I can move them to the bed in the office and they tend to settle there eventually. They are cute and sweet.

I guess I’ll have to admit it…fostering is out. They are here to stay.

-T πŸ˜€


 Posted by at 08:59

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