Mar 202017
Since we are already a quarter into the year, I thought it would be prudent to do a bit of a check-in on my New Year’s Resolutions made. After all, why make them if I do not intend to check in or follow through? So, here they are (linked to the original) with some updates on my progress so far. πŸ™‚
Well, the six-pack is in progress, but not quite there yet. Or, perhaps I have regressed a bit. First, I had not yet anticipated the amount of yoga that I was going to have to do regularly; therefore, I cut back on my gym time. Still, the yoga is not getting me there either, so I will need to re-evaluate this.
Also, we were playing around with a different diet which I have discovered is not going to work for me at all. Therefore, this is being tweaked, but I am hopeful that it shall be coming soon! πŸ˜›
The waiting list is in the works, I hope. My client base is growing, which is definitely good. However, I have let my organization and momentum fade a bit. I am not sure why on this just yet, but think I’ll be refreshed in April after my upcoming holiday.
I am taking an online psychology course at the moment, so am happy with that progress. The option for wellness retreats is possibly in the works, but I need to speak to some more people about this option. Also, I am considering signing up for an online nutrition course as well, so these learning options are in the works.
I am also going to be adjusting the blog side of my business website to include more ‘lifestyle’ elements.
In the writing area I am writing periodically to get something together, so there is progress there as well!!
Well, things are progressing a bit slower in this category. The good news is that the debt is getting paid slowly, but we are not quite caught up yet. Since we still have an exit plan for June, we are going to have to step up in this area a bit more.
As I write this, I am on my way to visitingΒ my BFF and spending time with my godson, so that is definitely meeting my goals! πŸ˜€
I am also very selective about my time these days, choosing to spend it with those that I want to invest in and those who also give back to me.
I must admit that I am at a bit of a crossroads with my brother. I tried to reach out and then never heard back. I know that I have not tried hard enough and so I need to give it another go. So, I will soon. πŸ˜€
In the meantime I am doing what I can to at least focus on the other goals. Hubby and I are in phases with going electronics free times, but we are bonding and staying strong together. <3
So, overall, I am content with my progress at this quarterly check-in. I can see where I have not been as good or may need to balance out a bit more. It also keeps me motivated to keep going for these goals I set!!!
~T πŸ˜€
Mar 192017

Tonight I fly on my first proper holiday since December 2015! It’s been a crazy year and although it might not be the wisest thing to do – going on holiday now – I am going to be joyful for the opportunity and ability to do it anyway.

I think I have done it as cheaply as I can with using Airmiles to buy my ticket and saving up portions of my yoga and tutoring sessions to pay for the fun there. While I may have to be a bit more frugal than I would like, it is still going to be amazing! πŸ˜€

So, I’m working on last minute things to catch up on before I go. Thankfully, I can do quite a bit whilst at J’s place, but I also hope to relax and enjoy!


~T πŸ˜€

Mar 182017

My gym days are a little by the wayside. However, my goal to tone my stomach is still coming along – through the yoga. πŸ˜‰ So, with a lot more yoga happening and a weekend of training before I head to Japan, I am taking a wee break still from the gym. I plan to do a bit more running/walking while on holiday, but the weights will have to wait until I get back, I think…. πŸ˜€

Mar 12 (Sunday)

  • Wellness yoga – last of 6week program

Mar 13 (Monday)

  • Yoga at home focusing on arm balances

Mar 14 (Tuesday)

  • Sick with a cold… πŸ˜·πŸ€§πŸ€’πŸ˜’

Mar 15 (Wednesday)

  • Couch bound – sick with sore body… πŸ€’πŸ€§πŸ˜ͺ

Mar 16 (Thursday)

  • One more day of recovery…feeling somewhat better…😬

Mar 17 – 18 (Friday to Saturday)

  • Training weekend
Mar 172017

The other day I was sharing a bit of our challenging situation with a friend. Every time I do speak with a friend to update on our life or share our current story, they always comment on how calm I seem to be about everything. In fact, when they say it I realize it is true, I am very calm. So calm that it almost feels as if I might be in denial or something.

However, I attribute any sense of calm in me to meditative work as well as an acceptance of not worrying about what I cannot do anything about. 

As a young adult I spent much of it worrying about everything – literally. There was very little I did not worry about even those things that did not require worrying, like what outfit to wear to the grocery store! 

Of course, as we mature, we come to realize that there are just things that we do not need to spend our time fretting about. Still, as I speak with friends and listen to updates on their lives, I also find that they still worry about those matters that do not need worry….

So what is my secret? Well, I do not know if it is a secret per se, but rather a concerted effort to parse out whether or not I can do something about the situation. If I can, then I determine a course of action to take towards sorting out the problem. If I can plan to do something about it, then I make a plan to do so. However, ultimately, if I cannot do anything, then there is absolutely no point in me worrying or wasting time on it. 

I have come to see that when the time is right solutions present themselves that I or we can take action upon. Therefore, it is a matter of patience over anything else.

Even my having gotten sick on a weekend when I should be doing training, I have come to accept that this is the situation. There is no need to push myself to extremes so that my body feels tired and gets worse. I mean I have a holiday to prepare for and being sick is NOT part of that plan. πŸ˜‰ 

So…yes, I am extremely calm these days. While there is always something to worry about, I feel that minimizing what I spend my time worrying on maximizes the energy I have for everything else!

~T πŸ˜€ 

 Posted by at 08:25
Mar 162017

My fascination with religions stems back to my foster family days – the one just before I was adopted by my family now. Although later I would learn that they were Seventh Day Adventist, at the time I just knew that I went to church and started out in the church school. 

Some time later I recalled the stories from Bible school and found a book that I had probably been given about man’s exile from the Garden of Eden. 

Throughout my youth, I had a back and forth relationship with various Christian churches, but my skeptical attitude toward blind faith always kept me from a full acceptance to and in the church. 

When I got married I went regularly to church with my ex and got heavily involved in the church. Until they chose to judge me for the circumstances of the dissolution of my marriage, I thought perhaps I had been wrong about organized religions. I questioned my atittude toward choosing colleges that were not heavily affiliated with religions. However, the reaction of those in the church I had put a lot of myself into and the friends that I thought I had invested in turned me away from ever going back to such a way of life.

Still, I am a lover of philosophy and a believer in knowledge. 

A few of my college friends are Mormon and so I became interested in why and how they believed what they did. I got my hands on literature to understand, but instead just came up with more questions. 

With the same curiosity, I have always been fascinated by the Church of Scientology. Aside from the fact that big celebrities like John Travolta and Tom Cruise are heavily entrenched in the faith, I just find it interesting. The idea of cults and religions is a curious thing as the human mind and spirit is so fragile that people want to be led to believe they are important no matter the sacrifice. 

Upon conversation with some friends this week, I decided to watch a documentary on the CofS. Having done so, I am glad I did. It was really interesting. Although my suspicions about some of the beliefs based on rumors that were circulated in the media have been confirmed, I still find it so amazing at the ability of one man to convince a large population to accept what he believes as the truth

I am more and more convinced that my skepticism towards any belief system is the right way to go. If I am considered stubborn or cynical, I am okay with that! πŸ˜›

~T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 08:25
Mar 152017

Being sick is one of my most hated things in the world. When I was younger I never admitted it; therefore, illnesses would have to knock me out completely before I would stop to address them. 

As a kid, I would only get bed-ridden sick, so that would usually mean that my mom would have to stay home to take care of me. I admit I loved this. Even now, when I am sick I want my mommy!!! 

By chance, we had a Skype chat this morning and I have my much loved teddy bear blanket nearby as I moan my way through the day of achy bones, sneezing, sniffly nose and overall sense of tired. πŸ€§πŸ€’πŸ˜·πŸ˜ͺπŸ˜“

I have only five days to get myself back to tip-top shape with three of them being full yoga days for training. So, I have submitted to my couch today in hopes that the ginseng tea, ginger tea, etc will work its magic and get me back to full health.

On the bright side, I can write a bit, watch some TV and enjoy the excuse to do absolutely nothing! πŸ˜›

~T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 11:35
Mar 142017

Nobody makes money blogging. Writers never earn enough to survive on. Just do what you need to and get by. You can dream, but also be realistic.

Sound familiar?

I had earlier determined that I need to probably really take some steps toward finding a regularly paying job. This may mean that I need to give up my efforts to build a business or focus more on my writing. Initially, I thought I would look for work that I could do online, but as I began to sift through the options posted on the freelancing sites, I found that it is a great deal of effort to find the jobs that are going to either be accepted by the employer based on my simple proposals or will be acceptable to me for the rate they are offering. The truth is that I am not used to working a lot for little.

Then, I thought if I were to make a list of the type of jobs I am looking for, then at least I would know how to start with keyword searches and the like. As I began, the list was two in when I wrote simply – a job that pays me to write; a writing job that pays me to write what I want to write for a reasonable and regular pay. That was as far as I got. In the end, this is what I want.

While the yoga and tutoring are good side jobs that help to pay bills, what I would love to do is to write all day long, know that money will be coming in that will be a real living and return to enjoying life again. Is it too much to ask? 

Now, I know things like this do not happen overnight. I know that I have kept this blog rather secure and somewhat hidden from mainstream, but I do have other blogs that can be adapted and refreshed to perhaps generate some income. Maybe I won’t make a fortune, but I can make something!

So, as I work to turn The Universal Asian into a creative writing center, I will also work to making the blog portion of The OSH Network as a lifestyle center. Even though I am using it to promote wellness and health, it does not mean that it cannot also be a place where I share lifestyle aspects about food, nutrition, health, etc. RIGHT?!

Maybe the above statements were true when my dreams of becoming a writer were first sprouting, but the truth is that if a dream stays alive inside, then it is really up to me and only me to make it a reality.

~T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 14:07
Mar 132017

Having generally settled my schedule now into mid-morning starts and working until 7 or so at night, I have realized that I can now begin to consider doing some online work in the mornings. At the moment, I do my writing or cleaning up of the house, etc, but if I could find some work that would give me a regular income and I can do in my mornings, well, then that would be just about perfect!

I know that there must be a job out there for my skills. I mean, I voluntarily put together a new website for a rather large organization, so surely someone could pay me for similar skills, right? I am not looking to start a new business as I think two is probably enough. However, if I can get paid to do some part-time writing or data entry work or something like this for a regular sum, that seems perfect to me.

Anyway, I am going to be looking more at Upwork and see what I can find. But, if you hear of anything that would suit me, just leave me a comment!!! πŸ˜€

~T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 10:33
Mar 122017

Sometimes I sit down to write my posts knowing that I have thought of a number of different topics to discuss – always thinking I should start a post draft when the idea comes to me, but wave it off saying I’ll remember it – and then I sit to start writing see nothing but the white text box in front of me.

The vastness of the empty space filters into my mind removing all other thoughts and ideas. Therefore, whatever I thought I was going to write about is gone.

It is strange how this happens as there are times when I sit to meditate and really want my mind to empty out and yet it keeps getting filled with thought after thought. Yet, when I want to write the attachment to various things seems to disappear into wisps of grey matter.

This behavior – if we can call it that – reminds me of an etch-a-sketch. Remember those things? We would work hard to turn the dials to create an image and then in two or three shakes of the box, the entire image was either blurred or completely wiped away as if nothing was ever there in the first place.

So, today, I awoke with many thoughts to post, but by the time I have sat down to write, everything is gone and I feel the need for an afternoon nap…. πŸ˜›

~T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 14:43
Mar 112017

This week was a break from the gym as I really felt like I needed to see how much the yoga does for me in the week. So, here’s my activity this week.

Mar 5 (Sunday)

  • Wellness yoga session
  • Casual yoga practice 

Mar 6 (Monday)

  • Casual yoga practice

Mar 7 (Tuesday)

  • 5.9km Walk (1km run) on Corniche with MRTTAD ladies
  • Wellness yoga session

Mar 8 (Wednesday)

  • 1hr yoga sessions x2
  • 1hr yoga session private client

Mar 9 (Thursday)

  • Rest day!

Mar 10 (Friday)

  • Wellness yoga session

Mar 11 (Saturday)

  • 1hr yoga session private client x2
 Posted by at 09:40

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