Mar 202017
Since we are already a quarter into the year, I thought it would be prudent to do a bit of a check-in on my New Year’s Resolutions made. After all, why make them if I do not intend to check in or follow through? So, here they are (linked to the original) with some updates on my progress so far. ๐Ÿ™‚
Well, the six-pack is in progress, but not quite there yet. Or, perhaps I have regressed a bit. First, I had not yet anticipated the amount of yoga that I was going to have to do regularly; therefore, I cut back on my gym time. Still, the yoga is not getting me there either, so I will need to re-evaluate this.
Also, we were playing around with a different diet which I have discovered is not going to work for me at all. Therefore, this is being tweaked, but I am hopeful that it shall be coming soon! ๐Ÿ˜›
The waiting list is in the works, I hope. My client base is growing, which is definitely good. However, I have let my organization and momentum fade a bit. I am not sure why on this just yet, but think I’ll be refreshed in April after my upcoming holiday.
I am taking an online psychology course at the moment, so am happy with that progress. The option for wellness retreats is possibly in the works, but I need to speak to some more people about this option. Also, I am considering signing up for an online nutrition course as well, so these learning options are in the works.
I am also going to be adjusting the blog side of my business website to include more ‘lifestyle’ elements.
In the writing area I am writing periodically to get something together, so there is progress there as well!!
Well, things are progressing a bit slower in this category. The good news is that the debt is getting paid slowly, but we are not quite caught up yet. Since we still have an exit plan for June, we are going to have to step up in this area a bit more.
As I write this, I am on my way to visitingย my BFF and spending time with my godson, so that is definitely meeting my goals! ๐Ÿ˜€
I am also very selective about my time these days, choosing to spend it with those that I want to invest in and those who also give back to me.
I must admit that I am at a bit of a crossroads with my brother. I tried to reach out and then never heard back. I know that I have not tried hard enough and so I need to give it another go. So, I will soon. ๐Ÿ˜€
In the meantime I am doing what I can to at least focus on the other goals. Hubby and I are in phases with going electronics free times, but we are bonding and staying strong together. <3
So, overall, I am content with my progress at this quarterly check-in. I can see where I have not been as good or may need to balance out a bit more. It also keeps me motivated to keep going for these goals I set!!!
~T ๐Ÿ˜€

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