Mar 122017

Sometimes I sit down to write my posts knowing that I have thought of a number of different topics to discuss – always thinking I should start a post draft when the idea comes to me, but wave it off saying I’ll remember it – and then I sit to start writing see nothing but the white text box in front of me.

The vastness of the empty space filters into my mind removing all other thoughts and ideas. Therefore, whatever I thought I was going to write about is gone.

It is strange how this happens as there are times when I sit to meditate and really want my mind to empty out and yet it keeps getting filled with thought after thought. Yet, when I want to write the attachment to various things seems to disappear into wisps of grey matter.

This behavior – if we can call it that – reminds me of an etch-a-sketch. Remember those things? We would work hard to turn the dials to create an image and then in two or three shakes of the box, the entire image was either blurred or completely wiped away as if nothing was ever there in the first place.

So, today, I awoke with many thoughts to post, but by the time I have sat down to write, everything is gone and I feel the need for an afternoon nap…. πŸ˜›

~T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 14:43

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