May 152020

This week, I decided to create a new “Quarantine Schedule” to try to get myself ready for the eventual return to regularly scheduled activities.

Since I have gotten used to having time at home everyday, I decided it was time to start behaving as if I were going to an office – just minus the commute. Also, I have allowed some flexibility with how I spend my time during the day just as I would even if I were in the office. I mean, I am always multitasking; it’s just what I do. πŸ˜‰

To be honest, though, I am not eager to go back to the old normal. I am also unsure what the new normal will look like. A part of me is keen to be able to redefine my full-time work, which was starting to happen before ‘pandemic’ life took over. However, a bigger part of me is just content to let life continue as is – work from home all the time….

Having this time to reflect on what I would like life to be has been good. Something that I have become even more aware of than before is that all things are temporary.

In returning to a mindfulness meditation practice, I have been able to re-focus on the fact that our society, language, lives, environments, and circumstances are always in motion.

However, ironically, the one thing that seems to stay the same are people. You know that saying that a Zebra can’t change its stripes? On some level, I wholeheartedly disagree with this as people can change if they really want to. It takes work, reflective activity, and persistence, but it is humanly possible. Unfortunately, most people give up with the pathetic excuse that they ‘can’t’ change. Really, they should say they ‘won’t’ change.

These days, it is normal to say things like “I am who I am” or “I have to learn to love myself for who I am”. While the general sentiment behind these statements are true when we play negative recordings on repeat to self-sabotage, it does not excuse us from trying to be better human beings.

One thing that has contributed to my break from social media are the posts that suggest people should “forgive themselves” for not doing anything during these anxious times. It’s true that if your body and mind are feeling stressed and anxious that we should focus on keeping ourselves healthy. However, this should not be used as an excuse to be complacent or stagnant in life.

There is never a day or time that I can honestly say that I’m bored or that I have nothing to do. There are so many books in the world to read. There are thousands of online courses for free to take and learn something new. There are millions of YouTube videos to watch that teach us how to do things. There are gazillions of recipes to try. There are stories to write. There are miles to walk. There are billions of people to help. There is ALWAYS something to do. It is by this belief that I live my life.

In doing so, it’s hard to keep up with all there is out there to be done. Shouldn’t this be the new normal?

~T πŸ˜€

Jun 142019

So, it’s been a few days since my last post. It was intentional to be honest.

When someone posts all the time or when something becomes too available, the tendency is for complacency and over saturation to occur. Therefore, as I consider how to build readership, but also make sure I have enough content, I decided to give it a few days.

It also helped that I have been a bit busy with work and trying not to lose my mind as I PMS (TMI? Sorry, not sorry πŸ˜› ).

In any case, my habits and schedules are always developing as I attempt to find balance in having a healthy mind, body and soul while also considering the realities of life outside of myself. πŸ˜‰

Therefore, I have decided to post two to three times a week depending on my schedule. That way, regular followers (now that I know you are out there!) can know when I will write, but not get overwhelmed (hopefully), by trying to keep up since it seems to be a natural part of our psyches to feel as if we have to always stay on top of something.

In the meantime, I am hoping to actually make some progress at getting my story-writing going and posting chapters on The Universal Asian site. It needs a bit of attention, so I’m not giving you the link just yet. When it is ready, you’ll be among the first to know!

With that said, I’ll end here for today. More to come!

~T πŸ˜€

Jun 092019

My current position in my job allows me to stay out of the classroom for the most part. I still teach a few regular private lessons for our clients, but most of the time I pass on classroom teaching gigs.

One of the reasons is that teaching to our clients can require us/me to travel all over the city. Riding the trains more than necessary is not on the top of my list of things to do. The requirement of being amidst people – especially those whom I don’t know – for an hour or more makes me even more tired than the act of teaching itself.

So, it has been a while since I have taught a full class.

When you don’t regularly practice a skill like using a language, or like teaching, it can be worrisome when forced to use it again. This weekend is an example of this for me.

However, I have happily found that it is somewhat like riding a bike and my years of training along with the natural instincts that drew me to the profession in the first place have kicked back into gear.

Still, like most things in my life, I have to admit that I don’t necessarily like to do the things that come easy to me. It’s true; I generally prefer challenges. So, while it is a relief to find that I’ve still got my teaching skillz, it doesn’t mean that I like it any more than before.

Therefore, I mostly have a renewed appreciation for my work out of the classroom than in it thanks to this weekend of teaching. πŸ˜›

~T πŸ˜€

Jun 072019

Work has been busy this week, and so the evenings, when I usually write something here from my phone, have been more about relaxing or doing things other than writing.

However, I do not want to get out of the habit of posting, so today I shall ramble a bit rather than write with focus.

Sometimes, it is good to just share random thoughts – I mean not everything has to be profound, meaningful or purposeful, does it?

Anyway, the weather is grey. Apparently, rainy season is officially starting, which means days of rain and grey – it’s like being home. I usually last about two days in ‘enjoying’ it and then the complaining shall commence. πŸ˜›

I am actually trying to appreciate it as, so far, the temperatures have stayed down and I am not yet ready for the constant drippage that comes with the incoming heat and humidity. Silver lining?

“Teenage” ducklings

These days, I’m just enjoying the ‘every-day-ness’ of the changing seasons, which includes watching the ducklings grow.

~T πŸ˜€

Jun 012019

I’m sitting waiting on a stranger’s back deck listening to the beautiful sounds of nature.

The birds are singing to one another and the trees are whispering their secrets spreading from one leaf to another like ripples that turn into waves that crash up on the beach.

I’m reminded of this book I read late last year: The Hidden Life of Trees, and wonder what old stories are being told in the whispering breeze.

The last month’s challenge has propelled my mind towards contemplations in trying to understand the stories both being and wanting to be told with those needing to be heard.

For no story is ever meaningful unless the listener is ready to receive it. πŸ™‰

My hope is to write the stories waiting to be heard. Or, like the quiet whispers of the trees, in sharing my life stories, one realizes it was just what s/he was waiting to hear. πŸ˜‰

~T πŸ˜€

May 312019

Share one line of your own writing

Seems like one line is not enough….

Today is the end of the #whyshewriteschallenge and I must say that I’ve enjoyed it overall. It also served to push me into writing and sharing more.

So, really for the last 31 days I have been sharing my writing as this is the general way I write for general consumption.

Readers are welcome to read through the blog for the time being. I’ll be working on sharing more writing in general now that the habit is formed. πŸ˜‰

~T πŸ˜€

May 302019

How do you support other women writers?

Initially, my answer to this was that I really don’t. 🀭

However, after a bit more thought, πŸ€”I realized that the best way that I can support any writer is by reading her writing. πŸ€“

I enjoy reading a variety of books from Danielle Steel, Nora Roberts to Laura Ingalls Wilder to Ayn Rand, Margaret Atwood, Elizabeth Gilbert to, of course, the classics with Jane Austen, Bronte sisters, and so many more. πŸ‘©πŸ½β€πŸ«

To me, the best way to support any writer ✍🏽is to read their words. After all, that is the main purpose of any writer – I imagine….

So, there it is! 🀩

~T πŸ˜€

May 292019

What is your writing goal this year?

At the beginning of the year, I avoided publicly sharing any goals for this year so that I did not feel disappointed by the end of it. πŸ˜…

Also, that way no one could point out if I missed something – not that anyone keeps track of my life, or wants to, as much as I do. 😜

Still, I do make them. And, I did set them in writing too. However, I have to accept that ‘real life’ gets in the way of my dream one. πŸ™„

On the bright side, the year is only half over so there is still time to reach my goals or adjust them accordingly. πŸ˜‰

So, I have decided that I can achieve the following:

*☝🏽Draft volume 1 of The Universal Asian and/or update the blog

*✌🏽Aim to participate in November’s NaNoWriMo as a way of helping get the above πŸ‘†πŸ½done. πŸ˜‰

*🀟🏽Continue staying up with posting here now that I’ve redeveloped a habit for it.

These seem manageable. Feel free to keep me accountable! πŸ’ͺ🏽

~T πŸ˜€

May 282019

If you had one writer wish, what would it be?

I’m not quite sure how to answer this, but I suppose I can interpret it however I like.

My wish for my writing is to touch people. Whether it is to make them laugh πŸ˜‚, ponder πŸ€” the world 🌎, feel angry 😑 at a different opinion, or just open their eyes πŸ‘€ to something new, I am happy.

Sure, like any writer who calls themselves such, I would like to be published more and sell well a novel. However, it doesn’t need to be a bestseller – though if I could be on Ellen or Oprah for it I wouldn’t complain. 😜

Mostly, I write for myself and hope that in doing so at least one other person out there connects with my words enough to know they are not alone in their experiences and walk on this planet we all share. πŸ’ž

Is that a wish? Hm….

~T πŸ˜€

May 272019

Who is your favorite writer on Instagram? Tag them!

This is too similar to Day 12 and 20, and both times I had no answer.

Not enough time has passed for me to have changed my answer so… this is all I got for this one. πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈ

~T πŸ˜€


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