May 282019

If you had one writer wish, what would it be?

I’m not quite sure how to answer this, but I suppose I can interpret it however I like.

My wish for my writing is to touch people. Whether it is to make them laugh πŸ˜‚, ponder πŸ€” the world 🌎, feel angry 😑 at a different opinion, or just open their eyes πŸ‘€ to something new, I am happy.

Sure, like any writer who calls themselves such, I would like to be published more and sell well a novel. However, it doesn’t need to be a bestseller – though if I could be on Ellen or Oprah for it I wouldn’t complain. 😜

Mostly, I write for myself and hope that in doing so at least one other person out there connects with my words enough to know they are not alone in their experiences and walk on this planet we all share. πŸ’ž

Is that a wish? Hm….

~T πŸ˜€

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