Jun 142019

So, it’s been a few days since my last post. It was intentional to be honest.

When someone posts all the time or when something becomes too available, the tendency is for complacency and over saturation to occur. Therefore, as I consider how to build readership, but also make sure I have enough content, I decided to give it a few days.

It also helped that I have been a bit busy with work and trying not to lose my mind as I PMS (TMI? Sorry, not sorry πŸ˜› ).

In any case, my habits and schedules are always developing as I attempt to find balance in having a healthy mind, body and soul while also considering the realities of life outside of myself. πŸ˜‰

Therefore, I have decided to post two to three times a week depending on my schedule. That way, regular followers (now that I know you are out there!) can know when I will write, but not get overwhelmed (hopefully), by trying to keep up since it seems to be a natural part of our psyches to feel as if we have to always stay on top of something.

In the meantime, I am hoping to actually make some progress at getting my story-writing going and posting chapters on The Universal Asian site. It needs a bit of attention, so I’m not giving you the link just yet. When it is ready, you’ll be among the first to know!

With that said, I’ll end here for today. More to come!

~T πŸ˜€

  One Response to “Developing Routines”

  1. Good Idea !!! So far, I’m a fan.

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