May 302019

How do you support other women writers?

Initially, my answer to this was that I really don’t. 🀭

However, after a bit more thought, πŸ€”I realized that the best way that I can support any writer is by reading her writing. πŸ€“

I enjoy reading a variety of books from Danielle Steel, Nora Roberts to Laura Ingalls Wilder to Ayn Rand, Margaret Atwood, Elizabeth Gilbert to, of course, the classics with Jane Austen, Bronte sisters, and so many more. πŸ‘©πŸ½β€πŸ«

To me, the best way to support any writer ✍🏽is to read their words. After all, that is the main purpose of any writer – I imagine….

So, there it is! 🀩

~T πŸ˜€

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