Feb 122017

If I were to admit that I am stubborn I am sure that no one would try to convince me otherwise. I am indeed stubborn and extremely slow to adapt to change. Spontaneity is not something I value nor ever really want to take on.

This does not mean that I am inflexible nor does it mean that I cannot eventually change my mind. I just require time to adjust, adapt and accept. πŸ˜£πŸ˜«πŸ˜©πŸ˜žπŸ˜”πŸ˜πŸ™ƒπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜„

This aspect of my personality has caused many a fight or moments of stressed distress on my side as well as others involved. While others must come to terms with the fact that this is who I am, I have to come to terms with the fact that not everyone will appreciate the way I am. 😼

Relationships of any kind, whether friendships, dating or marriage, require a compromise of understanding and action.🀝

Last week I was extremely frustrated with decisions or lack of decisions being made about our future. I think I did admit that I was not able to see my way out πŸ™ˆ; however, some thinking time and a chat with a friend have opened up possibilities to consider. πŸ€”

Sometimes I just need to step away and get a different perspective to see that things do not have to be my way or no way….I know 😳 – yes it is already here in writing!!! 😜

So, I am feeling more optimistic and as if our progression forward toward a new life is really happening. Phew – my anger management issues are dissipating and I did not even have to meditate much. πŸ˜€

~T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 13:23

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