Feb 252017

Well…I had high hopes for this week kicking me back into gym gear, but I really was not motivated and my body kept putting me right back to sleep when the alarm would go off. πŸ˜›

The beginning of the week was really just physical recovery after such a full weekend of training. By mid-week, I thought that I was getting my energy back, but it was just enough to do my yoga classes. There was some thought that perhaps the early weekend would get me back on the horse again, but my body keeps saying to sleep and rest. So, for this week the yoga will have to be sufficient. Really really going to try to get myself back to normal starting on Sunday! πŸ˜€

Feb 19 Sunday

  • Sunday Wellness Yoga class

Feb 21 Tuesday

  • Tuesday Wellness Yoga class

Feb 23 Thursday

  • 30′ home yoga practice
  • Private Yoga session

Feb 24 Friday

  • Friday Wellness Yoga class

Feb 25 Saturday

  • Private Yoga session

That’s a lot of yoga….!

~T πŸ˜€


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