Oct 062016

For the most part the days of the week have quickly become a blur. I generally am not eager for the weekend any more than any other day except it’s the days my hubby is home. Being a self-employed business owner means that days off are whenever I want to take them. πŸ˜›

Yet, somehow this week was extremely busy. Doing what? Well, that’s the thing…. so yesterday I posted about my general schedule. That’s where my days go. 

This morning at another American Women’s Network coffee morning someone asked me if I am happy and enjoying life. I did not miss a beat in responding, “Yes, yes I am.” So I guess that is really all that matters. 

I also had a spontaneous lunch with a friend and have an event to go to tonight. So my social calendar is definitely full and fun. 

Now time for a nap….;)

~T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 16:21

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