Nov 302016

Maybe it just me, but every now and again, I consider our adjectives and wonder at the commonalities or intensity of meaning according to letters of the alphabet. For example, have you ever thought about ‘con’ words? Contemplation. Conscientiousness. Concrete. All these ‘con’ words connect to the mind.

Today as I sit to write my mind is a bit unsettled. As I tried to pinpoint how I would describe it these words came up:

*Anxious: I feel anxious. Anxious for the stress to end. Anxious about possible more changes in the near future. Anxious about the unknown really.

*Anticipation: I am anticipating the end of our stressful situation. I have anticipation for some new developments in my birth family search. I am constantly in anticipation for the next thing to come my way whether good or bad.

*Angst: Yeah, I have angst. Angst about life at the moment. Angst about life in the past. Angst about people. It this angst though that inspires me to write or to be creative. So, angst is not a bad thing – if used productively.

Somehow today it was the ‘A’ words that came up. Perhaps that also is telling as the beginning of something like the beginning of the alphabet. Or perhaps I’m just being overly nerdy about it all.

In any case, I need some meditation today methinks. ๐Ÿ˜›

~T ๐Ÿ˜€

 Posted by at 08:45
Nov 292016

Every day I see people – well, almost every day. I generally force myself to get out at least once in a day even if it is just for my lessons/sessions.

Despite this, I still regularly crave going into a cave and hiding into my own world. For some this might be considered as anti-social or even odd behavior. For others, you get it. ๐Ÿ˜‰

The problem with spending too much time on my own is that I can start to feel isolated or alone. I can play an old tape in my head that no one loves me or needs me. I can start to ask the futile question of “Why me?” or “What did I do to deserve ____?” Of course, I know that this old tape should be thrown away. Over the years I have worked extremely hard on re-recording over that tape; however, like the real old tapes, you cannot fully remove the imprint that has been made on the film.

Therefore, there are days when it is necessary to acknowledge what I am feeling or to even address the old voice as a reminder of who I have become since those days of old. Denying it would be inviting a repeating and recreating of a new stronger tape that would not be productive.

The past couple of months have required me to be extra social in order to network and try to get clients. While it may have been somewhat fruitful, the truth is that it was exhausting and most definitely not my style. Although others try to give me advice and tell me that I have to learn how to market myself or speak to others to sell sell sell. I wholeheartedly disagree.

I believe that I need to get my name out there, and know that I will. I also believe that people will come to me when they are ready or in need of what I have to offer. If I am patient with it, I know that I will get the business that I am waiting for.

So, as I continue to take my moments for reflection, I also realize that I need to prioritize myself and appreciate that this anti-social socialite is going to be laying a bit lower from now on. ๐Ÿ˜›

~T ๐Ÿ˜€

 Posted by at 19:56
Nov 282016

If I were to describe myself to others who might not know me, I would say that I am:

*no nonsense
*quiet, but not shy
*a listener and observer (introverted)
*conditional giver (yes, I only give under certain conditions, but then I give forever and always)
*loyal once one has gained myย trust and respect
*traditional in etiquette, manners, and behaviors
*stubborn ๐Ÿ˜›
*a problem-solver
*stable (despite my up and down tendencies)

If you know me, you can comment on whether or not this is an accurate perception of myself or not. However, I think I am pretty close.

When one knows oneself reasonably well in the truest sense, it can become tiring to exist around other people who may not match these qualities. If you believe in the idea of energies or chemical interactions of people based on their behavior and actions, then you can understand that someone with my qualities can be put off balance by others who have more opposite tendencies.

We need all kinds of people in the world. The Chinese yin and yang requires this mix for true harmony in life. Still, that is not to say that the effort in trying to maintain balance is not draining or even exhausting at times.

For me, I have a pretty full pot of patience (shocking to anyone who might have known me in my childhood) and tolerance. Most of the time, I can find ways to refill it on my own – as a true introvert does. However, there are times when my pot becomes near empty because I am not given the time I need to replenish. When this happens, I get tired physically and mentally. My temper shifts. My motivation wanes. My interest in anything dwindles. My mood drops into the spiral of a downshift.

Despite my awareness of these results, I cannot always nip it in the bud before it is too late, for various reasons of life. Therefore, there usually comes a point when I need to just take a day or two or even up to a week to step back.

This week has been a partial version of this. I have not worked out. I have socialized, but in a limited capacity and with limited enthusiasm. I have started to feel depressed and frustrated….

Yesterday, I was able to have most of a day to myself to do as I liked. I still had a lesson and did some ‘work’ at home; but for the most part, I had the chance to watch TV, sleep early and just spend some QT in my head. (Scary?! :D)

So, it was good. No full conclusions or decisions were made, but I had down time on my own which is very much what I needed. I miss my family. I miss my BFF. I need a tribe, a new tribe, but am not yet sure how to go about it at the moment. However, now I have had my day and so it is time to pluck myself up and get out and about it again!

~T ๐Ÿ˜€

Nov 272016

Just two days ago I wrote about my upcoming article on Well, it was published without my realizing it and is now up on the magazine page!

It feels good to be writing regularly again and I feel as if each time I am upping my game a bit. It gives me confidence again about writing and looking for other ways to generate income doing it. THIS is my dream, after all….

So, I do have my next assignment and need to get myself moving on that. Plus, I am going to look at some other options for writing or generating income on blogging…. Stay tuned for that!

In the meantime, enjoy what April Magazine has to offer. ๐Ÿ™‚

~T ๐Ÿ˜€

Nov 262016

It has been a while since I’ve talked about my ‘kids’. They are just now three years old! It is hard to believe. They are still babies and Pippi is young at heart to be sure. ๐Ÿ˜›

It is hard to capture video of them when they are being crazy and wild. Besides, it’s so much cuter to capture sleeping kitties. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Thankfully, they have recovered their sisterly love and attachment after their traumatic time in the kennel.

I do love my kitty witties! So, happy birthday to Mia and Pippi (okay a little late, but they don’t know!)!

~T ๐Ÿ˜€

Nov 252016

I wasย working on my next article for April Magazine and was sharing stories with a lady I met at book club a fewย weeks back. She said how curious a thing it is that people want everyone to fit into “neat little boxes”. I like this description and also wonder at it.

Before I discuss others’ need for this, I first reflect upon myself. Am I the same? Do I make my own limiting assumptions of others? Do I want to describe people by their outer appearance, whether it is the color of their skin or the clothes that they wear, or the job that they are doing? The truth is that I do. It would be a lie and hypocritical of me to say otherwise.

At the same time, when I get a response that is different from my expectations/assumptions, I find myself curious or interested to know more. I am confident that I have never continued a line of inquiry looking for an answer to fit what I think an answer should be.

So, now about why others feel this need….

For people who have grown up in homogenous societies or have limited exposure to the global world, I can understand how it might be such an abstract concept that someone might not say they are from where they look like they are from. However, for those who are privileged enough to be exposed to people from other countries or grow up in diverse communities – then, I doย not understand at all.

More importantly, I do not understand the need to push and push someone into a corner because one is not getting the desired response – no matter what the response. I mean obviously if someone looks uncomfortable with your line of questioning, wouldn’t you take the hint and redirect???

Anyway, now I rant and ramble, so I will close up. My article is coming out soon – I think. When it does I will post a link. In the meantime, break down those tiny boxes and free the mind!!!! ๐Ÿ˜›

~T ๐Ÿ˜€

 Posted by at 09:19
Nov 242016

For the first time in years I am not actually celebrating Thanksgiving with my friends-family. We had initially planned to have a big bash, but with limited furniture and funds we decided to postpone a large party. It is sad, really.

Then again, it has definitely been a year of reflecting, shifting and starting anew. Thus, it is not that surprising that a change in my usual activities has occurred. My hope is that next year we will be able to have a quaint celebration with a select group and make that our new family tradition.

Until then, this year I am still grateful. My post yesterday outlines the specifics.

It has been an interesting year, but if nothing else I have learned about myself, my capacity for change, unknowns and real unconditional love. I have learned about those who are there for me through anything and whom I can count on truly. These lessons are hard learned, but I know that they were needed and worth it.

So, even though I am not celebrating with my usual feast and crowd of people. I am still celebrating in my heart and taking moments to pause to appreciate the spirit of my favorite holiday in the quietness of solitude amongst the chaos.

~T ๐Ÿ˜€

Nov 232016

Yep, I actually Googled the definition of masochism this morning. Why? Because, I wonder if my subconscious is really masochistic…. ๐Ÿ˜

I feel as if the darkness is winning these days.

It is the season of being thankful, thinking about presents and the coming family-time, looking forward to the new year on the horizon with all that it promises. To do this, I have to reflect over the year….

Things I am Thankful For:
*got married and had a wonderful wedding where I was able to see my most loved ones all in one place.
*quit my job and, despite current circumstances, I absolutely know it was the right decision to have made.
*been able to really discover my friendships and those who value me as much as I value them.
*nearly completed my yoga certification with new possibilities, new friends, etc.
*…and more no doubt

Things I am Looking Forward to:
*enjoying our new apartment with furniture and decorations with the ability to really make it home…
*financial stability and freedom
*being debt-free to people and hopefully to any institution
*traveling again
*having a worry/stress-free daily life

When I adjust my perspective to focus on these things, I have to give myself a figurative head slap. What is my problem, really? Everything is temporary in terms of the challenges and struggles.

This weekend my teacher said someone said to her “You have to just sit through the darkness”. I recently listened to a podcast where someone spent a year in isolation and got through his dark periods by “just sitting through it”. Noticing a theme??

Therefore, while I am definitely not deriving any pleasure of any kind from pain to myself – mentally, emotionally or physically – I do know that I need to learn to sit through it to break a cycle and come out on the other side; definitelyย on top!

~T ๐Ÿ˜€

Nov 222016

So yesterday I wrote about my lack of certainty mostly regarding what I am doing with my life. As I spent most of the day on my own and processing my thoughts – fighting with the dark and light in my head – I came to some new realizations. Let me share a few.

*I am not accustomed to things being difficult in life or my career. For the first time, I have taken a path that does not involve it being ‘easy’. So, perhaps I need to just push on through, learn, grow and embrace the challenges.

*My passion is truly truly in writing. Therefore, I definitely want to work towards making a major source of income to be from that. Whether it is by writing my novel(s), blogging here or for the business or for a new (sort of new) site. It does not matter where as long as I can generate income from a true passion of writing to help others.

*I need to focus on attracting the type of clients whom I want to work with. Ones that will not drain me, but will bring me equal joy and satisfaction as I can give to them through our working together. The realization in this is that while I may come across a lot of people, I cannot look at the limited numbers who may want to work with me as a kind of failure, but rather as a way of being choosy and making the best choices for enrichment.

*My time shall be used more productively and wisely in nourishing relationships that are mutually beneficial in energies, intellect, personal development, and joy. All those that drain me or cause me to give more of myself than I receive shall be less of a priority – for my sanity’s sake. ๐Ÿ™‚

In short, yesterday was a good day for awakening to some realities of myself again. I have had some confidence issues and of course the current stresses of life situations do not help at the moment. However, I am re-focusing, re-centering and re-energizing. More to come, no doubt! ๐Ÿ˜›

~T ๐Ÿ˜€

 Posted by at 09:32
Nov 212016

Sometimes when I take the time to share what is going on in my life or when I stop to think about it, I can see why people say to me, “I do not know how you do it.”

Most of the time I never think about the how or even the why. I just do it. Overall, life is good – really.

However, as I finished up my last yoga teacher training weekend before our final exam, I look out on the edge of this new horizon that I have chosen for my life. Also, as we near the end of 2016, I begin the process of reflection over the past year. All of these perspectives leave me on the edge. On the edge of sanity, on the edge of new journeys, on the edge of business taking off, on the edge of what stepping away from what was into what will be.

As I drove home yesterday fighting the emotions of the day from my yogi classmates and the realization that the year has passed with so many changes for all of us, I found myself also drained and perhaps even a little angry (OK, maybe a lot angry given my road rage and impatience with people).

Life is on the edge – and I am exhausted from it. Each day I wonder what the universe is going to throw at me to deal with. While I seem to do alright with managing myself, I have come to realize that I am losing the capacity and willingness to contribute to helping others manage themselves. For my business, this is a problem as that is the essence of what I do.

So, here I am reconsidering what I do and why I do it. I am reconsidering how I do it. I am reconsidering for whom I do it. There is a lot of considering and reconsidering to be done – with everything still…on the edge.

~T ๐Ÿ˜€

 Posted by at 12:20

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