Oct 032016

Now that I do not have a typical 9-5 job I should suddenly become a night person and be able to stay up late since I have nothing I have to get up early for. Or so I am told. 

It seems I am not meeting expectations properly by continuing to follow my natural patterns of sleep as an early riser and morning person. 

The problem with this theory that I am told I should be following is that, first, my husband does still have a 9-5 (and then some) job and still gets up early. So, it’s not like I can just start a different schedule even if I wanted to. Unless I would like to never see him, which as a newlywed I am not yet (if ever) a interested in. πŸ˜‰

And, I don’t want to. I am a morning person who likes to go to bed early. I sleep better when I do and get more done, which means I am a happier and healthier person. For me. 

I do not believe that the majority of the world are night people. I do believe that society has made people become night people even if they do not want to be so. 

We justify staying up late by feeling a need to enjoy our lives outside of work as much as possible because we do not enjoy our work during the day. Therefore, we have people everywhere who are sleep-deprived and unhealthy because they think that working is the answer (or because they don’t have the luxury to not work). 

Also, I disapprove of being told that I am not working just because I no longer have a typical 9-5 job. Worse than that is the suggestion that I have nothing to get up for other than a job that I may or may not like. 

I would hope that we can get up in the mornings because we like to be alive and are excited about what the day has to offer. I would hope that we stay awake or go to sleep when we like because we know our bodies and minds well enough to know what is healthiest and happiest for ourselves. I would hope that our uniqueness in these areas does not merit a jealous statement that suggests one way of life is better than another because of our own misconceptions or unhappy decisions to stay in discontent circumstances. 

So I will continue to follow my early bird schedule. I will continue to work as a usual self-employed business owner works (or less actually). And, I will continue to ignore those who try to tell me otherwise. 

If you know me and want to see me, you know my awake hours. πŸ˜›

~T πŸ˜€


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