Sep 182016

Day 1:

Just a couple of months ago I finally wrote up about _The 21-day Sugar Detox…_ book that I read. Just about a year ago, I also did a light version of the detox with a friend, though we both had cheat days for alcohol since our husbands are British and well, the Brits do not like to give up their booze. πŸ˜›

When we moved into our apartment, we said that once we got settled we would do a juice detox and reboot our eating and health habits. Since the ‘settling’ bit has gone a little haywire, our detoxing and rebooting has been a bit haphazard. We are both getting to the gym regularly (me less so the past week or so…) and M is seeing some massive results from that alone.

Also due to limitations in our cooking facilities, our eating has been generally good, though if we eat out more we tend to eat less well. M still has a bit of a ‘beer belly’ and does not yet want to admit that diet is 80% of weight loss; thus, he has plateaued a bit even though the muscles are forming and he is still burning off his calories.

So, I have been toying with the idea of doing the sugar detox again since the beginning of the month, but with Eid hitting I put it off. However, now that we are all through the long holidays for a couple of months, I thought this was as good a day as any to begin at last.

Therefore, yesterday I planned out our dinners for the week to ensure that we have a sugar-free meal. While I cannot control what M eats during the days at work, I can encourage him to eat well and hopefully offer him some leftovers to take to the office if he has time to eat (which he often does not).

I am also going to try to return to intermittent fasting dinner-to-dinner, but will probably just do one day a week instead of two as I did before because I am exercising a lot more than I was.

Hopefully, we will do well – though it is going to be hard to stay off the sugary tasty drinks for the next three weeks…. Wish us luck!

Here is my lunch today…the peanut butter still has some sugar in it….

Will take pics of dinner to post up on tomorrow. πŸ™‚

~T πŸ˜€


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