Sep 282016

Yep, that’s right. I barely made it a week of my attempt at the 21-day sugar detox. πŸ™

It was not due to cravings or massive desire for sugar, but rather a busy schedule that resulted in eating out more and not having time to shop for food that would distract me from sugary items. 

We did well until the networking event on Sunday. There was food. There were bubbly drinks. Then, there was dessert. What is a happy girl to do when faced with the question of sweets or self-restraint? πŸ˜›

So dessert it was. 

This led to a tasty cheesecake shared the next night…

So I finally had to admit defeat. 

I am not too disappointed given that we workout a lot and generally eat well. When we have normal life again, I will try to stick to another attempt. Though it may be tough if it isn’t before the holidays… πŸ˜‰

~T πŸ˜€


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