Sep 022016

Over the years I have tried different hair styles, always looking for the one that made me less “Asian” looking and avoiding the ones that were particularly stereotypical. 

Whilst living in Japan it was nearly impossible to get my hair done without being turned into another Japanese girl keeping up with the latest trend. They obviously did not know me. 

I have had short short hair and long straight hair. I tried a perm before but they rarely lasted. 

So almost a year ago I went to my favorite salon and said I wanted to grow my hair out. To this, the stylist said, “Well, then you have to stop coming to see me so often.” As I was going every six weeks for a trim to keep my hair heathy, I was surprised that he said this. Of course it made sense. He was maintaining the short length. 

Not quite willing to give up my visits and also wanting to go for something different again, I asked about a perm. My stylist seemed both unsure my hair would take and yet convinced he could give me some curl for at least a few months. ๐Ÿ˜

That was last October! ๐Ÿ˜€ This might be the longest-lasting perm I have had – ever – even with my first one in 8th grade. Then, I am sure that I went in again to have it touched up or perhaps my mom did it but I know it was more than one session.

I do wonder if I have permanently altered the chemical make up of my hair as it is fuller with the perm and though it has grown quite a bit it feels thick even with the new growth at the top of my head….

Since this perm has lasted so long I also have not been back to have my hair trimmed. Aside from getting some highlights elsewhere for my wedding I have not been in to my stylist for almost a year. I bet even he would be surprised at how long this perm has lasted! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Now I am toying with the idea of making it straight again! Haha – such a fickle woman I am! Still, who knew this would be a never-ending perm?! Makes the meaning of perm actually true! ๐Ÿ˜›

~T ๐Ÿ˜€


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