Nov 042020

Gosh, it has been ages since I’ve had a moment to stop and go deep into the vortex known as my grey matter. Not that I have anything overly profound to say, but I do feel a bit as if I have been in another universe and suddenly landed myself in an unknown time called – now.

Since I was young, I have known that I think differently and view the world differently than many, or even most. Learning early on in life to adapt with those around me has given me the skills of a chameleon to hide the truth of the way that I might think or feel.

For many years, I did not ever express an opinion of my own nor take part in conversations, even ones where I might have agreed. Shy was not the adjective to use to describe me as I was not afraid to speak up. I was more reticent to be noticed or to make it obvious that I did not necessarily agree with the norms going on around me. I can hear, you as the reader saying to yourself, “Okay, like what?”

Here’s an example, I have started an online magazine – The Universal Asian. The title by itself is a unifying one and expresses the actual fact that I believe in balance and open-mindedness in its truest form. However, the tagline of the magazine is: ‘the voices of the #importedAsians and #hyphenatedAsians’.

Obviously, #hyphenatedAsians has no nuanced meaning to cause the balance to go off-kilter. However, an early conversation and some following have made me see that #importedAsians carries a negative tone for some in reference to adoptees from international countries.

While I can appreciate the negative nuance that one might get from it, I absolutely do not look at it that way. When I was considering a more unique way to refer to adoptees that were not necessarily Caucasian or domestically adopted, but whose origins started in another country, the best way to express it was by the methods taken to bring that child to another country, which is like a product. We pay the seller to send over the product and import it to the country in which we want to keep the product. Although it might not be considered politically-correct or kosher to talk about people in this way, the fact is that people paid money for a child and took them from a country of origin to their own country to stay.

The judgement that might connect to the reason why families took this action or how they then treated the young person they brought over is a whole different matter to place pluses or minuses on.

So, in this way, I felt I was being neutral in my words, but some disagreed. Now, obviously, it hasn’t been a major issue as we are still getting readers and contributors – thank goodness!

However, it is this challenge with nuances and words that is also playing into the current state of politics and the pandemic surrounding us.

Last night, we were walking and I was thinking about the story of the Tower of Babel. I said that if this story is truth, as many accept the Bible to be, then why don’t more people call God out as responsible for the wars and suffering people have today? I mean, surely others must think that this was a dickish move on His part?! No offense to the believers reading this, but c’mon you gotta wonder…. I mean I have my own mixed relationship with the Higher Being, which previous writings have clarified so that I now refer to Him as the Universe or Universal Lord. But, I digress….

If this sudden disruption in communication had never occurred and mankind had been allowed to continue to build their tower, how would the world be different?

I always say that communication is the key to successful relationships on any level. When there are frustrations amongst individuals, it is usually due to a lack of speaking and LISTENING. So often we forget that communication doesn’t just refer to talking, but also to openly listening to others.

If we don’t understand the nuance of the words one uses, why are we so afraid to just ask a simple question – “I’m sorry, but what do you mean by that?” Think how much more you could learn about someone and their lives just by asking that question rather than taking it personally, or responding with fear of the unknown (response, perception, etc.).

Twice in the last day I have had people ask me if I ever chat with my voice. One was through Whatsapp voice recording. The other was through Facebook Messenger. To both, I responded “Of course I do.” Neither offended me in any way.

As a writer, I prefer the written word. I communicate more clearly and thoroughly in writing. I use emojis more than most to lighten any tone that might be taken too seriously. I like the written form.

However, I also understand that sometimes hearing the voice can make a huge difference in how we connect and interpret the nuances of the words that we use with each other. So, I’m flexible as my early understanding of not thinking like most people has given me enough awareness and ability to be flexible with the ways in which I communicate.

The problem is that this is not often a reciprocal flexibility…, but perhaps that is for another posting.

Anyway, on the day of Elections 2020, I am hoping that we can avoid any negative nuances and join together in clear communications as we await the direction of the US and the world in these truly uncertain times.

~T 😀

Nov 022020

We are already 20 days in to being in France! How did the time go so quickly? Can it really already have been 20 days? 🤷🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️

My husband says that I have been walking around with a permanent smile on my face since we arrived – or at least once the travel fog lifted. 😁

It’s probably true.

I am SOOOOOOO happy we are here. 👏🏽 Our little Stone Cottage rental is perfect for the time-being. There are ways it could be better in terms of our work stations and the sofa, etc., but these are just minor things in the grand scheme and we can most definitely live with it. So, with the tiny complaints out of the way, let’s focus on the major positives! 👍🏽

I’ll be writing up a more thorough and informative account of the actual trip over, but that will come later on another platform – at least that’s the plan. 🤞🏽

For here, though, it’s been an amazing almost three-weeks. We actually think we hit the timing just perfectly, really, as we are now four days into a month-long second round of lockdown across most of the major European countries in hopes of curbing the COVID-19 case numbers enough for people to be able to celebrate Christmas without restrictions. However, that is really anyone’s guess on how feasible it will be. 🤔 We aren’t holding our breaths when it comes to that.

Anyway, we are located near a smallish village called Lorgues. It is about 1.5 hours drive to Nice or 40 minutes to the beaches of Frejus. The biggest town nearby is Draguignan, but really we have all our necessities nearby.

Our cottage is a small gite owned by our neighbors who usually rent out the space during the summers as their side income. We have a private pool, though the water is currently far too chilly for swimming. The main perk is the outdoor terrace/patio area where we eat many of our meals, spend most of the afternoons, and generally appreciate the fresh air and chirping birds every day. ☀️It has only rained one or two days since we have arrived and the temperatures are daily in the low 20s C°/ upper 60s F°. This means that the mornings are cool, but the middays are perfection for working outside, reading a book, or just enjoying the moment. 🧘🏽‍♀️

Our kitties are also truly loving French life. Their personalities have shifted into what we deem as “normal” cat behavior with Chloe changing from being skittish to a lap cat and Momo being a generally lazy Garfield to exploring the area all day long.

November has started and it barely feels like fall or that the end of 2020 is coming at last in two months. However, we are settling in and truly loving life!

With that, I’ll stop gloating for now as it’s just about time for a glass for rosé🍷!

~T 😀

Nov 182019

Every year the discussion about getting shots for whatever flu strand or superbug is out there is had. Every year I swear by the fact I hardly ever get sick and that I have never gotten the flu shot because of it. The fact is, despite what doctors and others say, I do not agree with needing to get the shot at my age.

Someone once said that another way to look at it was to get vaccinated as a protection for others. I still call BS on that. First, the flu shot does not vaccinate you from getting it. While it may claim to shorten the length of suffering, what difference is a couple of days to letting your immune system work out its own way of fighting it?

Last year, I avoided getting sick because I am generally obsessive about not touching the handles on the trains, washing my hands as soon as I get to my destination, and in general making sure that I am not around sick people.

Well, one sick masseuse coughing, sneezing and burping over me for 90 minutes changed that!

On Saturday, I felt it come on all of the sudden as we were leaving the cinema. While it could have turned out to be a sugar overdose, my aching body told me otherwise. Sure enough, by early evening, I was running a fever.

In Japan, they are very wary of influenza. Once certain that you have it, you are not allowed to return to work until at least two days after your fever breaks. Some companies require longer depending on the strain you’re diagnosed with. This is understandable given the population density in Tokyo, especially.

Therefore, as I refuse to go to the doctor since I know they’ll jab me, I am in quarantine this week from work and the outside world – though I will have to venture out once or twice for appointments, etc.

It does seem as if my fever has gone down after two days, but my headache is lingering. Plus, a tickle in the back nasal sinus and throat are threatening to move into a cough of some sort. So, I will not make light of this down time just yet.

The worst part of me getting fevers is the fever blisters that like to show up once I start to feel a bit better. The last time I got really sick from food poisoning, my entire mouth exploded. It seems this time, it’s a bit less, but still (sad-face emoji), they have appeared on three corners of my mouth. So, I guess staying home to hide my mouth isn’t a bad thing!

In any case, this does give me a chance to catch up on some work without distractions, watch a lot of TV, and in general reconnect to the things I enjoy doing since I will likely be going stir crazy by the end of the week! 😛

More to come ~

~T 😀

Nov 262018

My all-time favorite holiday is Thanksgiving. Although there is some controversy in recent years around the origins of the holiday, I ignore all the politicking of it and focus on what it means to me.

Some people argue that they like Christmas better because, in the US, it’s not that much different from Thanksgiving except that we exchange presents. However, for me the consumerism attitude is not necessary. Therefore, I prefer the third Thursday in November as my main holiday of the year.

Of course, as a lover of food, one of the best aspects of Thanksgiving is having delicious turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green beans and the lot passed around the table.

Still, even better than the good food, is the great company. To me, Thanksgiving is a time to gather with family and friends-who-are-family. As I prepare dishes to share, I marinate in gratitude for these people in my life. I feel honored to have such a connection to those whom I call family and friends.

Over the years, I’ve shared Thanksgiving with not only Americans, but friends from around the world. It’s a time to enjoy being together.

It is also a time to reflect and express thanks for the many blessings in our lives. During the year, time passes quickly and lives are full with activities of worry or flurry. Thanksgiving is a day when we can stop, take a breath, and appreciate all that we have in our lives from the smallest of things to the greatest of joys.

So, although I was not able to be physically with my family to celebrate this year, I still shared my favorite holiday with those around me as we ate, laughed and were very merry for a day of Thanks-giving.

~ T 😀

Here are some photos from the day:

Nov 022018

Sunny days in Japan means that it’s a laundry day. One can see clothes hanging on balconies outside throughout the city. The decision on when to do laundry is not really left to one’s own schedule or choice, but is instead determined by the whims of nature.

In this, I ponder a parallel in wondering how much free choice we truly have, or are we already fulfilling what the universe has determined that we should be doing?

Perhaps our freedom of choice lies is in deciding when to stop refusing to take the path meant for us? Perhaps, then, our unhappiness and discontent is in our stubbornness in believing we know a better way….

Sometimes (OK, most of the time!), it is easier to see what other people should or should not be doing with their  lives than in our own. So, lately, I have been trying to remove the judging instinct and reflect….

I question regularly if I am avoiding a path before me? Am I refusing to see a way that is meant to be? Am I afraid to take a road less traveled?

My instinct says, “No!”

But, the truth is, I really don’t know.

My ego wants to believe that I am slightly more aware and in tune with myself than most and yet… perhaps I am deluded.

Maybe I just don’t know what I don’t know, or don’t want to know it.

The best way I do know how to judge myself objectively (if it’s even possible) is by my mental state. Given the fact that I have tendencies for extreme ups and downs, if I am fairly even keeled mentally, then I tend to think I am on the right path. When my mental state gets unbalanced, then perhaps it is because I have started to meander off the best trajectory.

With that as a working gauge, these days, I’m definitely feeling more and more on an even keel. My wheel of life actually feels like it is starting to even out so that all spokes of the wheel are moving forward smoothly.

My job is good. My finances are improving. My health is stable. My friendships are strong (at least from my perspective 😛 ). My love life is fabulous. My free time is spent pleasurably.

All in all, I am more content with life than I have been for a long time. I generally feel at peace in my heart and mind. While I may complain about various aspects of life here and there about decisions to be made – as any normal person does -, I do feel quite satisfied with where I am.

With all that said, I do have a sense that there is more I should/could be doing. I’m never one to just be content with life – even when all is good! 😉

So, while I have renewed my own practice in yoga and meditation, I am not teaching it again (yet). While I have settled into a job and made the circumstances as ideal as I can, I’m not fulfilled or satisfied enough with just that. Therefore, maybe it’s time to start taking steps towards doing more….

As I contemplate this, I also come to a revised understanding of knowing whether or not I’m on the right track. When everything in my life is aligned, then opportunities seem to open up serendipitously. The idea that those who have get more chances to have more seems to be true in a way. This is not a boast in any way, but I am aware that when my life is in balance I am able to see more than when my focus is on particular aspects of life. A bit like ‘seeing the forest for the trees’ rather than ‘the trees for the forest’.

In my next post, I’ll share with you what I think is an example of what I’m trying to say here….

~T 😀


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