Oct 312013

Where is my voice?
– I hear it buried deep within.

Who is my voice?
– She is a woman with strength and courage to be heard.

How is my voice?
– It is quiet but strong, if only the world would be still enough to hear it.

Where is my voice?
– It is beginning to return to the top.

Who is my voice?
– She is someone finding herself again.

How is my voice?
– It is firm and confident in what it wants to say.

Where is my voice?
– I am here.

Who is my voice?
– I am.

How is my voice?
– Crystal clear.

October 30, 2013

 Posted by at 03:45
Oct 302013

On Monday, I had my sixth session with Karen, which left me feeling really excited and inspired to focus my attention on a few matters.

Our talk centered around my perceptions of debt. While I generally don’t stress about my debt because I just don’t really think about it, it does always linger in the back of my mind and causes me to feel a certain negative way.

We looked at it as perhaps starting somewhere in foster family 2 when I was first introduced to religion in a traumatic way and started to feel as if I should feel as if I owed them something for taking me in. When I think about owing somebody anything it upsets me because I start to feel trapped. I also feel as if something is being taken from me whether it is my dignity, identity or something physical.

This “tape recorder” then repeats itself as I continue to stay in debt. My sense of owing forever is confirmed by the financial debt that I continue to accrue.

Therefore, the goal is for me to believe that I am free despite my circumstances, whether it is money, debt or location. I always have choices and always have the ability to change the circumstances as long as I do not let my mind continue to entrap me into thinking I do not.

Karen called it a “prison wheel”, which is a good one. This is one wheel where I have a lot of paths that lead to it. πŸ™

In any case, the end result is to “Be responsible for who I am being!” and “Don’t put off fulfilling my purpose.”

This led me to really think about pursuing writing more. I need to get myself more disciplined again towards writing, but I think it is definitely something I can do.

The final thought for this is that I have two more sessions left before I decide to continue or take a break until my finances are settled. I haven’t come to a decision just yet, but will have to soon….

-T πŸ˜€

Oct 292013

A while back, I wrote about a book by Jeff Goins about his journey into writing.

One of the first things he says is that to be a writer, you have to start telling people and thinking that you are a writer. In my last session with Karen (more on that coming), I really focused on the fact that I truly want to be a writer. It’s something I have dreamed about doing since I was 8-years-old. I never really pursued it because it didn’t seem like a career that would make money and my parents were encouraging me towards the ‘higher’ professions of doctor, lawyer, etc.

After going back and forth with my writing and talking more with Karen, I think it is time that I return to my first love. Writing is my passion and without regular practice my talent was decreased, but not diminished. So, I will try to get back to writing with the few areas that I have already put time into – blogs, travel writing and writing for quick jobs.

What does this mean for the PhD? Well, I will still focus on that in hopes of really getting it completed. However, I will also be sure to make more time and effort towards the writing. It makes me happy. πŸ˜€

More to come…

-T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 09:08
Oct 282013

After having some scheduling troubles over the weekend, I had my fifth session with Karen on Saturday. Usually, she doesn’t work on weekends, but to ensure that we stay on track she kindly made an exception given my little time mix-up on Friday. πŸ˜€

So, we focused mostly on money matters this session.

Her motto was “Be, Do, Have”. If you are what you want to be and act accordingly, then you will have all that you need and more. Most people live according to “Do, Have, Be”. This means that people believe that if they do things, then they will have and then be the kind of person they want. This perpetuates a cycle of discontent and unhappiness.

How does this relate to money? Well, I would fairly confidently say that most people are ruled by their desire to have money or have more money. Money is their center and for many their God. If we work hard enough (DO), then we will HAVE money and BE happy.

Thus, the point is to get a handle on our relationship with money.

For me, money has equaled instant gratification to purchase things, given me freedom to travel or allowed me to do the things that I want when I want. So, I’ve been in the DHB cycle rather than the BDH one.

We went back to when my relationship with money became what it is today. That day was when I decided to have an abortion at 18-years-old just when my life was opening up to college and the world beyond. By spending the money that I had saved, I felt guilty, less than perfect and stupid for having become pregnant and wasting my money on ending it.

This has led me to constantly reinforce in my tape recorder that says I am stupid and worthless, which reflects in the fact that I am in debt showing that the money I make now is indeed worthless (cuz I’ve already spent it) and I continue to feel stupid for being in debt. πŸ™‚

So…by sorting myself out I can say that while it was not an ideal situation to get pregnant and make the decision to not have the child, it does not make me stupid or worthless as a person. In some ways, it was actually very smart because that decision has opened up the possibilities that I have made into my life today.

Therefore, while I do indeed need to work on getting my relationship straight with money, I can do so with a lighter feeling and look at it positively as taking responsibility for my actions and wanting to make the results different/better.

-T πŸ˜€

Oct 262013

A lot has happened in the past two sessions that it is a little hard to keep up, but I will try to get to the gist of them.

Session 3:

I was supposed to write 25 things that I am proud of about myself and I got to about 14 on my own. My focus was on things that I had done, but not really anything about who I am. In the session I finished the list looking at qualities of myself. This was good to see because while I think of myself as fairly confident, I realized that my confidence is found in my actions/results not in my person which explains why I feel down about the delay in my PhD work or lack of joy in my daily work.

We also discussed an issue I have been having about a friend. I love her to pieces, but she is ALWAYS late to meet me and even when we do get together after a very short time allotted for me to say what is going on with me, the rest of our time is usually spent on her. By the time I leave I am generally exhausted and wonder what benefit that was to me…. Sometimes I think that I should have a long talk with her, but then I don’t. So, Karen wondered what role is being fulfilled by this friendship and strangely it went back to my brother.

I love my brother to pieces too, but we do not keep in touch as we should and unless I am at home we really do not talk to each other. Despite my attempts to get him to come visit or sending texts now and then, I feel as if our relationship could be better but isn’t because I do not say anything to change it. In fact, I hold on to a lot of guilt about him from when we were younger, but the real truth is that it had little to nothing to do with me.

So, we ended with me being more aware of these issues.

Session 4:

Session 4 was a little bit different due to the “Face Plant” incident and matters that came out of that. As my previous post discussed, I really had a reboot on my thoughts and had written to Karen saying that I needed to stop our sessions to save money and get myself out of debt. She immediately tried to sort out what the source and problem was since it was such a quick change.

So, we talked in great length about the issues that came out from the “Face Plant” incident. My fight with R seemed to have triggered my great fear of losing friends, him not supporting me thus leading to being abandoned and rejected. Without my friends or him, I feel alone.

Karen pointed out how our money situation is often connected to our self-worth. If we let money determine our actions then we will never really be happy. This is true for me in that I overspend to try to console myself into a happy state. However, because I have so much debt, I have put my self-worth in a negative spiral. On the other hand, people who focus too much on having money put their self-worth into the amount that is in their bank account losing focus on their own being.

Furthermore, my current issue about debt is that I feel trapped. Karen pointed out that indeed I am not trapped, but it is merely a perspective that is not true. I can leave. I can go to jail. I can never return to the UAE. I can do a number of things to accept my financial situation, but it does not mean that I am trapped. I am only trapped in my mind and it is controlling my behavior. So, taking responsibility is one step to releasing my sense of trapped as long as I know it is a choice.

I really felt much better after this session with my outlook. The current plan is to finish out four more sessions since it will cost nearly the same if I do the full month or stop now. Then, I can reassess where I am at. Hopefully, I can find a way to continue, but if not I will take a six month break until my money is sorted, then return. So, we’ll see how it goes.

-T πŸ˜€

Oct 252013

Well, if I had thought that I had somehow gotten rid of the bipolar tendencies, the last couple of weeks have reminded me that no medication or denial will remove the reality. 😐

So, I’ve been on a bit of a downward spiral, but think I am pulling myself back up before totally hitting bottom, we shall see.

In any case, I have been on a reboot of my mind this past week and it seems to be helping me a bit. The work with Karen also helps me. I will write more about my latest two sessions with her later.

There are a few decisions that I have made though that are fairly significant.

1. I am going to pull myself out of financial debt. This means that:
*I will not travel until the summer – unless I somehow make extra money to pay off the debt faster.
*I will minimize my pampering (I can’t give it up entirely…after all I still need to stay sane!).
*I will focus my priorities on being financially responsible.

The reason for this is that I cannot leave the country with debt here. I hate that feeling because it makes me think that I am trapped here. Of course, I am not and I would/should pay any consequences should I forfeit payment such as jail time, not being allowed to return to the country in the future, etc. However, I would rather not put myself into such a negative situation since I clearly have the ability to get myself out of it with some sacrifice and responsibility on my part. Also, it is time after almost five years here that I actually start to show money-wise for my time. It’s a bit ridiculous that I have no savings despite what I make. I do not regret this, though, as I have done a great deal of traveling, which can be worth more than all the savings in the world.

2. I am going to find a way to be happier with my work. This means that:
*I may find a job back in Japan for a period of time.
*I may find a job in the States for a period of time.
*I may find a strategy for moving my work in another direction.

The reason for this is that I am not content with what I do or where I do it. Teaching is okay. My students are alright. However, it does not fulfill me as it should. I am always striving to do more and be more, but I feel held back in my current job as well as this country. While it could just be my own self limiting me, I think I need to work on a shift of my perspective which sometimes comes with a change in setting as well. So, I am not sure what will happen exactly here, but the doors are open in my mind and hopefully something will present itself as the best option.

3. I am going to work on myself only and not let the problems of others affect my inner peace. This means that:
*I will surround myself with positive and proactive people. Those who do not fulfill this in my life will, sadly, be less important to me.
*I will not become engaged in others’ stress, complaints or whining about life as it does not positively contribute to my own life or perspective on the world.
*I will have self-respect, pride and love for myself above anything or anyone else. If this makes me seem selfish, so be it as it is about my own survival, health and well-being at this point in my life.

The reason for this is that I am very sensitive to others’ who see me as a great sounding board for their complaints and venting about life. I absorb the negative energy more than most others, I think. Therefore, it affects me at a much higher intensity and affects my mood and self-image. To achieve the goals and dreams that I have for myself, I need to be happy and content within.

So, this is the current reboot of my mind. More will come and it will be difficult at times, but this is something I really needed. The events of my last post was a bit of a wake-up call for me. Hopefully, I can be a model and inspiration to others. If not, my goal is that I am a model and inspiration to myself. πŸ™‚

-T πŸ˜€

Oct 192013

So…Thursday night was planned to be a big and fun night. It was both big and fun, but the fun did not last that long….

There are very few couples with whom R and I go out with regularly. Over the years, he’s chosen to alienate us from a few of previous ones we used to spend time with and while I’ve worked hard to maintain friendships it starts to become a challenge to find people he is willing to go out with. When he returned from the States, he said that he wanted to make a renewed effort, which I took as a great sign. So, the ladies’ group – dubbed ‘ZU and the City’ – that I hang with decided to bring out our men as well.

We started out happy and the margaritas went around. They were nothing compared to R’s homemade ones, but we were out and the conversations were flowing. It did start to get noisy and the conversations turned here and there. Eventually I noticed that R was quieter and getting up to escape – ‘going to the bathroom’ a lot. I traded places with one of our guy friends in hopes that they could have a chat or something to draw him in, but it didn’t happen. So, by the end, R wanted to go making us the first to leave despite the fun I was having. This was fine, but I was frustrated that he did not have a good time even though he said it was OK. I know what that means. I also know that when he doesn’t have fun, he hesitates to go out again.

When we got home, I tried to explain that he did not seem to try very hard and that we weren’t really going to make any other friends. Therefore, I did not want to have to stop hanging out with them because of him. He got defensive and just claimed I was too drunk to talk to him. I wanted to talk it out, but he insisted that he was not going to talk to me – despite the fact that when he wants to talk things out we must do so. Eventually, he got annoyed and said that I could just move back to my own place. I explained we were living in ‘my place’, so then he said fine to tell the people upstairs to move out and he’d move. I explained that was not the point of our conversation. To which he got up and went to the bedroom, threw out my pillows and told me to sleep on the couch. Then, he locked the door. WTH?

No one locks me out of my own bedroom, thank you very much. So, I got out the master keys and unlocked the door. He went out to the TV to ignore me and I just got madder and unhappier. After trying to find some people to talk to and then feeling worse for either not finding people or not wanting to make people unhappy like me, I decided to take a handful of muscle relaxers.

I admit that if I could have found something stronger, I probably would have taken them as my real intention was to sleep for a very long time – the longer, the better.

The muscle relaxers did their trick, but mixed with alcohol is not the best idea. At some point, I got very thirsty and wanted a drink of water. So, I recall getting up and walking around the bed. My next recollection is waking up on the floor and R trying to pick me up. Apparently, I told him I just wanted to water. Then, the pain kicked in and I realized I had blood all over me. I had seemingly done a face plant on our very hard tile floors. Luckily, I had in my mouth guard to protect my upper teeth, but my bottom ones were not so lucky. Nor was my poor mouth…

Day 1 of face plant
Day 1 of face plant18-Oct-2013 13:11, Apple iPhone 4S, 2.4, 1.85mm, 0.033 sec, ISO 200
Chipped teeth after face plant
Chipped teeth after face plant18-Oct-2013 13:11, Apple iPhone 4S, 2.4, 1.85mm, 0.033 sec, ISO 200

These were taken in the morning after I had ‘recovered’. R gave me some Tylenol 3 to help me sleep and after some rest, I felt better.

In the morning, I tried to get up to take a shower, but felt faint. I fainted again as R tried to help me back to the bedroom, but luckily he had a hold of me. So, I eventually felt okay and rested yesterday doing not much more than getting up and down from the couch to drink water or eat. πŸ˜‰

Today, I feel loads better, but my mouth looks like I’ve had botox injections. It’s starting to heal and with a bit of icing it here and there and some advil, I’m hoping tomorrow it will look more normal for work…. πŸ™‚

Day 2 of face plant
Day 2 of face plant19-Oct-2013 16:54, Apple iPhone 4S, 2.4, 1.85mm, 0.033 sec, ISO 250

No more face plants!

-T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 17:40
Oct 162013

Last night was my second official session with Karen. I did have a follow-up session last week for the first session because it was more like a trial session and she wanted to give me a taste before I agreed to go fully with the program. So, last night was the second one.

There is a general pattern that she follows and works through, which is good so that I sort of know what to expect.

We started with what has been on my mind and since I have been trying hard to work on the dissertation this week, that was foremost – especially given my post yesterday. So, I explained how I feel about the dissertation and my sense of resignation that I was feeling. She moved into questions about how it makes me feel and what sort of thoughts go through my head.

This lead to an ultimate fear of failure and being seen as less than perfect because I have spent so much time, money and energy on pursuing it that my family and friends may be disappointed in me or think less of me should I not finish or that it should take longer than expected.

From this, she led me back to the source of these thoughts – when did this way of thinking all begin?

My last joyful memory of me as a child (or me ever perhaps) is what we titled “The Snowstorm Incidence”.

The facts = I was happy playing in the snow. I came inside and a woman was there. I no longer lived with my family. That’s all I remember.

The perceptions in my head = I was bad. I was wrong. I was not good enough. I was confused. I was sad. I was a victim.

The perceptions are what my brain kept and continued to use to protect me throughout my childhood when the same feelings arose. However, they are not true and I need to reprogram with “I AM AWESOME!”. πŸ˜›

Something interesting Karen pointed out was that I took the “good girl” route when trying to survive. I mentioned that my Korean name supposedly means “good girl”. To which she explained there are no coincidences and that my birth mother must have known the kind of person I would become in providing me with a name that meant it…. <awwww>

So, I feel better today about everything. I will look at the dissertation work as fun and something I am doing for fun, not as something that defines me in any way. Therefore, I do not need to stress. πŸ™‚

My homework is to write 25 things that I am proud of about myself…. Not an easy task for me, but I will try before Friday!

-T πŸ˜€

Oct 152013

Okay, so I’ve been pretty good lately working on my dissertation. I was making some pretty good progress, but now I’m back to having to find articles, read and write, which bores me to tears. I am starting to feel like maybe I can just make do without the whole PhD thing. I mean, loads of people have and they seem just fine. Would it really be so bad if I just give up and start to enjoy my life again without it?

I’m so close, it is true, so why waste all these years I’ve invested with my money and time?

But, I’m still so far away that I just don’t know if I have it in me for that last push of productivity… 😐

Anyway, it’s a week long holiday that is now just about half over and I feel tired…. I have been relaxing (as you can see from the previous post) and I have been enjoying myself, so maybe I just need to pick myself up, walk away for a bit and come back for more pain later. πŸ˜‰

-T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 12:37
Oct 142013

For some time I have been wanting to spend a day at this beautiful looking beach club. However, it’s a bit on the expensive side to get a sun lounger or a cabana for the day. Since I decided not to go anywhere during this holiday and had set aside just a bit of money to spend and enjoy the ‘staycation’, P and I decided to spend a day.

Here’re some of the photos –

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All-in-all, it was an extremely relaxing day and the weather was perfect! I’m hoping to make it there again soon! πŸ˜‰

-T πŸ˜€


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