Oct 192013

So…Thursday night was planned to be a big and fun night. It was both big and fun, but the fun did not last that long….

There are very few couples with whom R and I go out with regularly. Over the years, he’s chosen to alienate us from a few of previous ones we used to spend time with and while I’ve worked hard to maintain friendships it starts to become a challenge to find people he is willing to go out with. When he returned from the States, he said that he wanted to make a renewed effort, which I took as a great sign. So, the ladies’ group – dubbed ‘ZU and the City’ – that I hang with decided to bring out our men as well.

We started out happy and the margaritas went around. They were nothing compared to R’s homemade ones, but we were out and the conversations were flowing. It did start to get noisy and the conversations turned here and there. Eventually I noticed that R was quieter and getting up to escape – ‘going to the bathroom’ a lot. I traded places with one of our guy friends in hopes that they could have a chat or something to draw him in, but it didn’t happen. So, by the end, R wanted to go making us the first to leave despite the fun I was having. This was fine, but I was frustrated that he did not have a good time even though he said it was OK. I know what that means. I also know that when he doesn’t have fun, he hesitates to go out again.

When we got home, I tried to explain that he did not seem to try very hard and that we weren’t really going to make any other friends. Therefore, I did not want to have to stop hanging out with them because of him. He got defensive and just claimed I was too drunk to talk to him. I wanted to talk it out, but he insisted that he was not going to talk to me – despite the fact that when he wants to talk things out we must do so. Eventually, he got annoyed and said that I could just move back to my own place. I explained we were living in ‘my place’, so then he said fine to tell the people upstairs to move out and he’d move. I explained that was not the point of our conversation. To which he got up and went to the bedroom, threw out my pillows and told me to sleep on the couch. Then, he locked the door. WTH?

No one locks me out of my own bedroom, thank you very much. So, I got out the master keys and unlocked the door. He went out to the TV to ignore me and I just got madder and unhappier. After trying to find some people to talk to and then feeling worse for either not finding people or not wanting to make people unhappy like me, I decided to take a handful of muscle relaxers.

I admit that if I could have found something stronger, I probably would have taken them as my real intention was to sleep for a very long time – the longer, the better.

The muscle relaxers did their trick, but mixed with alcohol is not the best idea. At some point, I got very thirsty and wanted a drink of water. So, I recall getting up and walking around the bed. My next recollection is waking up on the floor and R trying to pick me up. Apparently, I told him I just wanted to water. Then, the pain kicked in and I realized I had blood all over me. I had seemingly done a face plant on our very hard tile floors. Luckily, I had in my mouth guard to protect my upper teeth, but my bottom ones were not so lucky. Nor was my poor mouth…

Day 1 of face plant
Day 1 of face plant18-Oct-2013 13:11, Apple iPhone 4S, 2.4, 1.85mm, 0.033 sec, ISO 200
Chipped teeth after face plant
Chipped teeth after face plant18-Oct-2013 13:11, Apple iPhone 4S, 2.4, 1.85mm, 0.033 sec, ISO 200

These were taken in the morning after I had ‘recovered’. R gave me some Tylenol 3 to help me sleep and after some rest, I felt better.

In the morning, I tried to get up to take a shower, but felt faint. I fainted again as R tried to help me back to the bedroom, but luckily he had a hold of me. So, I eventually felt okay and rested yesterday doing not much more than getting up and down from the couch to drink water or eat. πŸ˜‰

Today, I feel loads better, but my mouth looks like I’ve had botox injections. It’s starting to heal and with a bit of icing it here and there and some advil, I’m hoping tomorrow it will look more normal for work…. πŸ™‚

Day 2 of face plant
Day 2 of face plant19-Oct-2013 16:54, Apple iPhone 4S, 2.4, 1.85mm, 0.033 sec, ISO 250

No more face plants!

-T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 17:40

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