Oct 292013

A while back, I wrote about a book by Jeff Goins about his journey into writing.

One of the first things he says is that to be a writer, you have to start telling people and thinking that you are a writer. In my last session with Karen (more on that coming), I really focused on the fact that I truly want to be a writer. It’s something I have dreamed about doing since I was 8-years-old. I never really pursued it because it didn’t seem like a career that would make money and my parents were encouraging me towards the ‘higher’ professions of doctor, lawyer, etc.

After going back and forth with my writing and talking more with Karen, I think it is time that I return to my first love. Writing is my passion and without regular practice my talent was decreased, but not diminished. So, I will try to get back to writing with the few areas that I have already put time into – blogs, travel writing and writing for quick jobs.

What does this mean for the PhD? Well, I will still focus on that in hopes of really getting it completed. However, I will also be sure to make more time and effort towards the writing. It makes me happy. πŸ˜€

More to come…

-T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 09:08

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