Jan 302012

_Middlemarch_ by George Eliot

I can’t even remember when I started reading this on my iPad as a distraction from my academic reading. The synopsis of the story is better written here, than I could do it justice.

It wasn’t one my top novels. It was similar in style to a Jane Austen novel and though I do love her works, I do also find them tedious after a while. The upside for most of Austen’s works is that they aren’t too long. I thought that _Middlemarch_ would never end….

Although this novel has received a lot of praise, I found it difficult to engage in it for longer than a few pages and while some scenes kept me intrigued or feeling for the characters, others just left me wanting to skip through faster. I suppose this is natural of any lengthy piece of work.

The themes and period descriptions are quite strong and of interest in our modern day, though. Perhaps I need more time to ponder on those.

I’m wondering if I’m just losing my classical taste and allowing my brain to rot in ‘trash-novels’ instead. Though, it has been ages since I’ve read anything that has kept my attention long enough to really get absorbed. Probably, it’s just a period of my life where academic texts are going to be my main source of entertainment and other distractions will be sought to allow me to procrastinate…. πŸ™‚

Anyway…I started reading a Vietnam memoir that my dad sent for Christmas, so that’s a change!



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