Jan 132012

I hardly know where the week went and my grand plans to start writing more regularly on my new schedule have been a bit slow to get habitualized.

Strange how having so many long vacations actually causes more stress and chaos than just continuing to work all the time. The constant adjustment of sleep and eating schedules, organizing time to get this or that done while other activities and matters encroach on the spare time available, is all an upsetting process to the body, mind and soul.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not at all complaining about vacations, but there is something to be said about consistently working if working must be done at all!

So, now it’s the weekend. I probably have a million things I should do and yet won’t do. At least for this weekend, I’m just going to try to do some reading and a lot of resting up. I’ll start to get used to working again – just in time for the next vacation. πŸ˜›

 Posted by at 14:04

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