Jul 222016


_The Shadow of the Wind_ by Carlos Ruiz Zafón

The Cemetery of Forgotten Books #1 was a book that a student recommended that I read. When she was reading it, I noticed that she was seemingly addicted to it as she was reading it whenever I walked into class or if there was extra time to work on something and she had finished. I noticed just a few days later that she was on to another book so I asked her what she was reading. So, she explained to me this series and said it was one of the most amazing books she had ever read.

Now, I have read a lot of books and while Zafón’s name was not new to me, I had not yet found enough reason to pick up his book. So, with a recommendation like that, how can you not want to go out and give it a go?

I have to say that she was not too far off, though I have read other amazing books throughout my time. Still, this was a page turner and suspenseful. I believe it is considered for young adults, but I could be making that it up. 😛

It has a bit of mystery, a bit of suspense, a bit of history, a bit of love and a lot of story. As it was originally written in Spanish, the translation was done well to allow for the English reader to experience the story fully. I think all age of readers (within reason – there is talk of murder) would enjoy the story fully and no doubt that I will eventually be reading the others in the series. 😀


Day 27:  What small thing that you use daily are you grateful for?

Small thing…? Daily…? Hm…It would be a bit of a toss up between my pen and my toothbrush. Yes, that’s right, my toothbrush. Although my pen would be an obvious choice, I have already written enough about my writing preference, so today I will go with the toothbrush. So, I have a regular toothbrush and I have a wonderful electric one – Philips, I think. In the past, I had a Sonicare (still Philips, I guess) electric brush that was awesome, but every year the model series I used would have a different style and start to make the old heads obsolete forcing users to upgrade their models. This kind of thing annoys me (Yes coming from an Apple girl 😛 ). So, after doing some research, I decided on a different series, though still within the Philips family, which has maintained the same heads for a while and I can get replacements in the grocery store if I like. While sometimes I am too lazy to do the full 2minute cycle of the Sonic brush and use the regular one, when I do use the Sonic brush my teeth feel absolutely amazing. The dentist raves about my teeth whenever I go in and the truth is that I hardly ever floss. If I use the Sonic brush every day twice a day for at least a week or two, then it is like I floss every day! Shhhh don’t tell my dentist! 😀 Therefore, I am grateful for my electric toothbrush and am reminded to use it everyday instead of once every couple of days. It does make a difference.

~T 😀

Jul 212016


_MaddAddam_ by Margaret Atwood

The last of the trilogy following_Oryx and Crake_ and _The Year of the Flood_, this one was very disappointing to me. I finished reading it a while ago and am just now trying to remember more than the fact that I was not happy with the ending of this trilogy given how good the first two were. It felt more like Atwood was just trying to come to a quick end of the story line, but if an author gets to this point, then why write it at all?

The dystopic world attempts to be further explained by tracing back to the original Adam One and the narration of Zeb to tell the creation story. While the story tries to end where it began, I struggled to buy into it all. Not sure why, but I felt that there could have been more. Or, maybe that was the intent…dissatisfaction is the theme of the whole trilogy after all….

In any case, if you’ve read the first two, you cannot really not read the last of the series. However, if you have yet to start, I think it would be enough to enjoy fully the first and then leave it at that. 😀


Day 26:  What form of expression are you most grateful for?

This makes me think of Gary Chapman’s _The Five Languages of Love_ book that I read years ago when my first marriage was falling apart. It is an excellent book to read, even if you are not a Christian, as it really helps to understand how and why we get disappointed with our partner’s or friends’ actions when they seem to fall short of our expectations. We have different ways of expressing love and generally do so through our actions to others. However, these expressions are based on our preferred way of expressing, not necessarily on the receiver’s desired way of expressing love.

In my case, I express with the written form and by doing things. Between the two of these, I am most grateful for the written word as a form of expression. Words can be taken in so many ways depending on culture, background, experience and so on. We carry meaning about these words and when spoken so much more can be misconstrued by eyes, body language, tone, facial expressions, etc. However, with the written word, the only way that words can be misunderstood is by the reader. If the reader is in a bad mood or the wrong emotional space, then the words are understood differently. In this way, it is not the author’s fault for the words written, but puts the onus back on the reader to try to interpret and understand based on their understanding of the author OR themselves.

I think writing is a beautiful art that not everyone can master well. Sure, we can all write, just like we can all speak. Yet, to weave words and to use them in a way that can be complexly understood is an art. I dream of mastering this. Whether or not I am ever successful depends on my readers, but I will continue to try and am ever grateful for the written word to express!

~T 😀

Jul 192016


_Second Honeymoon_ by James Patterson

In light of yesterday’s adventure, I took along a ‘holiday’ reading for the plane ride. Also, it seems that lately I have been preferring to read paper books for some reason. Since I had bought this one in the last week of work for a discount, I thought it was appropriate as I had planned to read it whilst on holiday and we were jokingly saying that we were going on our “honeymoon”. 😛

It was a one-day start to finish read.

When I first started it, I thought I had read it before, but nothing from my LibraryThing or previous posts or GoodReads was showing up as me having read this book before. So, I continued on anyway realizing that this is a second of a ‘newish’ series for Patterson (duh from the title) and figured I must have read the first one before.

In any case, the intertwining of two serial killer cases and two major characters was a bit new. It was predictable that things would overlap eventually, but otherwise, it was a very easy and entertaining read. There was just enough suspense to keep me going and since the reader was not left to guess who did it I could just engage myself in the characters, which was fairly easy to do.

So, a very nice holiday read overall. 😀


Day 24:  What challenge are you grateful for?

Oh yes, who is grateful for challenges? The good thing is that I have accepted that challenges and challenging times are opportunities for growth and expanding of who I am as a person. While I do not like the challenges at the time they are happening, I do reflect back on them to see what I can learn. In truth, I am actually always grateful for the challenges that require me to build my patience level. Current period included. I am not the most patient person in the world. Some people might not believe it, but in general I have a short temper when it comes to trying my patience. It is fully connected to my ego and a sense of deservedness (is that a word?). However, every time a challenge occurs that questions my patience or requires more of my patience I am aware that I am lengthening my limits. Patience is definitely a virtue and the key to controlling situations, responses, emotions and life. When we take the time to see other perspectives or to absorb rather than react, the results often change. So, rather than increasing rage or strife, I want to be an agent for peace and calm, which only comes from patience. Thus, I am grateful for the challenge of being more and more patient! 🙂

~T 😀

Jul 172016


_The 4-hour Workweek_ by Timothy Ferriss

I mean how can the title of this book not interest you? Who doesn’t want to be able to work only four hours a week and still make a decent living?

Ferriss offers some very tangible and realistic ways to free up time or to use time efficiently to ensure that you have more time for the things that you want to be doing. He also gives good advice on how to make yourself valuable, but also making it possible to keep working while making money.

This along with training of the subconscious mind can really change the working playing field if one wants to make it work. I have already started to take some of his tips such as only emailing at certain times of the day or prioritizing tasks. While I am not yet at the point where I can justify a virtual assistant, I do see where I could potentially use one later when my business starts to kick off.

So, even if you think there is no way that this is an option for your life, I recommend reading Ferriss’s book and seeing what you might take away from it to make your days and life just a little more efficient allowing you more time to do the things you really enjoy. 😀


Day 22:  What story are you grateful for?

Story…the first thought that came to mind was to consider a story that my father used to tell around the campfire. What happened to that tradition? Now, I am one of the worst oral storytellers ever – my medium is the written word. However, I have always been in awe of those who can tell a story to entertain people at parties or around a campfire. I remember my dad telling me made up “native American” stories about the signs “Falling Rocks” or about historical events. So…one I am grateful for? Well, that I am not sure. I have honestly never thought to be grateful for a particular story. Thus, I think I am going to be grateful for the art of my father’s oral storytelling skill rather than a particular story since there are so many to choose from and I am not good at remembering just one. 😛

~T 😀

Jul 132016


_Edge of Eternity_ by Ken Follett

As promised, I have finally made it to writing about the last of The Century Trilogy.

Despite some reviews saying that they did not like this one as much as the others, I found that I enjoyed it just as much if not more. The family lines started in the first of the trilogy continued into another generation during a time that saw the Kennedy and Martin Luther King years. Perhaps because it is more recent and relatable to my time period, I was fascinated by the events recalled in this story. I even found myself wondering what the story would be for our current times and what kind of characters would be developed.

So, I think Follett did a good job with the last of the trilogy and I continue to be impressed with his ability to write so many pages with interweaving stories. How much effort must have been spent in keeping the storylines straight! I can barely follow one as I do my own writing. 😛

Again, if you like historical fiction and can handle modern times stories, then I still recommend this series and think the trilogy was well worth the read!


Day 18:  What piece of art are you grateful for?


This is my all time favorite piece of art done by Salvador Dalí. Now, I know Dalí is not necessarily most people’s favorite as he is known to do some very abstract work, but when I first saw this piece in an exhibit in Japan (I think) I fell in love immediately with it. It’s provocative, vibrant and complex on to many levels – plus a crazy Dalí piece. I do like strange works such as M.C. Escher or some Picasso’s more than classical Renoirs or Rembrandts. I have a copy of this piece to be put up in our new home, but I have struggled where to put it since not everyone will appreciate as much as I do. However, as some friends said to me, “Who cares?!” If I love it, then I should put it where I like. So, once we move, I shall do just that! 😀

~T 😀

Jul 092016


_The Robber Bride_ by Margaret Atwood

My foray into Margaret Atwood is spotty. It seems that I come across her books quite by accident. The first one I ever read by Atwood was _The Blind Assassin_, which I picked up at a thrift shop somewhere when I was visiting my parents. I devoured that finding it very interesting. Then, a friend of mine from graduate school recommended _The Handmaiden’s Tale_, which I picked up one day and was hooked. I, then, got into her _Oryx and Crake_ trilogy (the last of which I will write about soon). So, when I came across this title in the discounted books on campus, I had to give it a go.

Since my summer plans have been altered somewhat, I can still maintain my poolside reading even if it is in ‘staycation’ mode. 😛 Also, as most of my days are not always easy to fill up completely, having a good book to read helps. So, I started this and took just about a week to complete (it is not a thin book).

While I think I had a bit of a hard time believing the main thread about Zenia, I thoroughly enjoyed the craft of weaving three (four) women’s stories connected by the one thread. I cannot say that I truly ever got what the message was for the book as I can generally get from her other novels. However, I still enjoyed the read. I would say, though, it is not her strongest novel.

By the way, I have returned to paper books lately…. I am not sure why, though I did read the Patterson book from yesterday on my Kindle app. Just an interesting (or not so much) observation for the moment. 😀


Day 14:  What sight are you grateful for today?

I am guessing that this means like a scenery or view rather than the ability to see….Another difficult one to answer when I consider all of the sights I have seen in my travels. From the heights of Machu Picchu to the god-like structures of Egypt or the natural beauties of mountain and sea, how does one choose? However, in this question, the key for me is ‘today’. Therefore, today, I am grateful for the sight of my husband when I woke up this morning. He’s my sunshine each day and when I hear his voice, I smile. 😀 Yep, of all the wonders I have seen, today I am most grateful to see my sweet husband!

~T 😀

Jul 082016


_The Murder House_ by James Patterson

In my quest to keep distracting myself and still enjoy the long Eid weekend, I decided to give myself a little reprieve from my four other books I am reading and have some ‘holiday’ pleasure.

This title popped up on my Goodreads recommended list and I put it on m wishlist to save for later. I think it came up again for a discounted rate, so I went ahead and bought it. Boy, am I glad that I did.

Despite Patterson’s tendencies to write formulaic stories, I must say this one kept me going straight to the very end. I was left guessing and changing my mind page to page on who was the killer. The story worked well and I ploughed through it in just over a 24-hr period. Not bad! 😀 Of course, it helps that I keep waking up most nights and cannot go back to sleep… 😛

Definitely recommend this one and am glad to be entertained again by a Patterson quick read.


Day 13:  What abilities are you grateful for?

Hm…I think I am most grateful for the ability to love. I can come across as fairly harsh with my black & white way of thinking. I tend to have a harsh manner and may be perceived as rough around the edges at times. However, once this tough exterior is penetrated, I do love deeply, fiercely and for forever. I am grateful that I do not love at whim, but that I am given the freedom to be a bit picky about my loving and then am able to let love flow! Yes, I am grateful for the ability to love. I think we need much more of this in the world especially in our current times. 😐

~T 😀

Jul 042016


_Winter of the World_ by Ken Follett

The Century Trilogy #2 following _Fall of Giants_, which I read about three years ago now continues with the next generation of characters during the World War II period. Following characters from Germany, Russia (Soviet Union), the US and Britain provides all different sides of the war time. Follett’s continuation of characters from the first novel makes it even more engaging and worth the read of the many pages of this novel.

As I do like historical fiction, despite my lack of attention to current events, I thoroughly enjoyed reading this and was excited to see the overlapping of characters. I was able to lose myself in their lives and feel almost as if I were there or even in a film engaged in the imagery provided. Follet also does a great job of including social changes and thoughts from the period that he is writing about. Overall, a big thumbs up from me! 😀


Day 9:  What place are you most grateful for?

Well, if you asked me this question before June 4, I probably would have thought up of some place I have traveled to or a place of my past. However, right now, right here, I am most thankful for 415. Without 415, we would be either totally homeless or forking out a load of money for a hotel that we could not afford. Thanks to the amazing generosity of our dear friends, we are able to stay in the 415 for free and have a sense of ‘home’ for the time-being. We are certain we will have our own new home very soon, but in the meantime there is no other place I could be more grateful for than where we are right now. 🙂

~T 😀

Jul 032016

Day 8:  What book are you most grateful for?

Oh my what a very tough question for me…! There are so many wonderful books out there and reading is my absolute favorite form of escaping reality. I have been doing it for as long as I can remember – reading to enter another world. 😛 I think, however, the book I am most grateful for is _Anne of Green Gables_ by LM Montgomery. Why? First, I found my kindred spirited BFF through a mutual love of this novel/series. Also, it was probably the first proper story about adoption that I could relate to in some shape or form. While for most, this is a story of a strong-willed, free-spirited red-headed young girl whose short temper and mischievous nature got her into a number of tangles, then she grew up to be a role model and made her adopted parents proud; for me, it was much more than this. It was hope. So, I am grateful that this book was written and also so popular to become great films too! 😀


Lately, I have been struggling a little bit mentally and emotionally. I suppose that I could say I have been depressed; though not in my bipolar way, but in a truly depressed kind of way. In fact, I have been sleeping far more than I usually do and it is not due to vacation-mode settling in; but rather more of another form of escape since reading was not working either.

One of the reasons for this state of mind is a sense of being trapped. Now, freedom is one of my greatest values in life. I need to feel free to feel like myself. It was something that became central to my existence from the time I went to university. It is a value that I struggled with due to my background of not having any control over my early years. Since then, I have prided myself in the fact that I have held good jobs, managed my money just enough to ensure I could travel or have the lifestyle that I want, etc.

Since deciding to quit my job, circumstances have changed and with a number of changes happening all at once, I am, for the first time in my life, in a situation where I feel trapped again. One reason I held off on ever wanting to get married again was also that sense of responsibility for another person. Now, I do not feel trapped by being married, but together we have created a status that has crippled my sense of freedom.

This is, of course, temporary and I know that in due time everything will be even better than it was before. Therefore, it is a matter of getting my head back on straight, my heart full again, and my focus on what matters most. We are both healthy and generally happy. I have a lot of freedom in terms of time, which is a new experience that I can focus on enjoying. I have a lot of freedom in what I can do each day as far as exercise, yoga, pool-time, etc.

Thus, if I keep my eye on the prize, I know that all is well. 🙂

~T 😀

Jul 022016


_Awaken the Giant Within_ by Anthony Robbins

I read this some time ago and am not sure how I did not write about it earlier, but in any case, it was a book recommended by a friend, especially when I started on the coaching path.

Tony Robbins has been a big name inspirational coach for a while. M and I even found a common bond in liking what TR says. In fact, M has gone on a retreat and walked on fire with TR. 🙂 While I am not quite that gung-ho about things, I did enjoy the read. Robbins gives some tips and tricks for overcoming negative behavioral patterns, ways to take control of finances and relationships – all using the power within ourselves and becoming aware of how we limit ourselves. By awakening our inner giants and allowing them to guide our lives, we can have even more fulfilling and happier lives.

All of this is connected to meditation, subconscious minds, positive affirmations and the like. It is good for me to be reminded about this book in a currently stressful time. I can take control from within! 😛


Day 7:  What memory are you grateful for?

Memories are a mixed bag for me. Some aspects of life I would like to not remember. Some aspects of life I wish I had more memories for which to recall them. Some day I may not have any memories at all. 😛 If I sort through my limited memories as a child, I would say I am most grateful for the one when I was playing in the snow, having a carefree day, laughing and not thinking about anything. It is perhaps the last time I ever felt completely relaxed. It is perhaps the reason why I hesitate to ever let loose again as it was the day when my life was to be taken down a miserable path for the next 3 years. However, before knowing that, I can recall my laughing, smiling and the joy of playing. So, I am grateful to have this memory. 🙂

~T 😀


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