Jul 042016


_Winter of the World_ by Ken Follett

The Century Trilogy #2 following _Fall of Giants_, which I read about three years ago now continues with the next generation of characters during the World War II period. Following characters from Germany, Russia (Soviet Union), the US and Britain provides all different sides of the war time. Follett’s continuation of characters from the first novel makes it even more engaging and worth the read of the many pages of this novel.

As I do like historical fiction, despite my lack of attention to current events, I thoroughly enjoyed reading this and was excited to see the overlapping of characters. I was able to lose myself in their lives and feel almost as if I were there or even in a film engaged in the imagery provided. Follet also does a great job of including social changes and thoughts from the period that he is writing about. Overall, a big thumbs up from me! 😀


Day 9:  What place are you most grateful for?

Well, if you asked me this question before June 4, I probably would have thought up of some place I have traveled to or a place of my past. However, right now, right here, I am most thankful for 415. Without 415, we would be either totally homeless or forking out a load of money for a hotel that we could not afford. Thanks to the amazing generosity of our dear friends, we are able to stay in the 415 for free and have a sense of ‘home’ for the time-being. We are certain we will have our own new home very soon, but in the meantime there is no other place I could be more grateful for than where we are right now. 🙂

~T 😀

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