Sep 252018

The joy of living in a mega city such as Tokyo is that there is always something to do in whatever area of interest you may have. The downside is that there are always a million (seemingly so) other people who are interested in the same things no matter how obscure they might be. Add to that advertising on Facebook and well, of course, there are going to be crowds.

Some months ago we saw an advertisement for teamLab Borderless Digital Art Museum opening up in Odaiba. Both of us were interested in going.

So, we finally had a chance to go this past week.

Overall, the exhibition of digital art was pretty cool – said in the most intellectual tone I can muster. ;)πŸ€£πŸ‘©πŸ½β€πŸŽ¨

The only problem is that trying to absorb the ambience of culture and appreciate what artists may have had in mind is a challenge when there are thousands (okay, maybe hundreds…) of other people attempting to do the same.

Or, maybe it was originally imagined to include waiting in lines and time limits to enjoy the art feature as part of the experience? πŸ€”

Anyway, along with the renewed lesson that I have to accept we live amongst millions, it was worth the visit. The creative minds that came up with the art on exhibition are indeed far beyond my own understanding. But, it made going to a ‘museum’ a lot more fun! πŸ˜›

~T πŸ˜€


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