Sep 032021

I cry at standing ovations, flash mobs, and moments of frustration that stem from a boiling of feelings buried within like an erupting volcano. I rarely cry otherwise.

In my youth, I cried a lot and I only cried when alone.

Crying was not necessarily about being a sign of weakness to me, but rather a reason for others to not like me, not keep me, not want me, not need me. Therefore, I would not show this side of me to others unless it was from physical pain, or when the feelings of frustration were too much to contain–as was often the case when getting picked on by my older brother.

Mostly, though, I learned to bury my emotions in front of others. This meant even the happy ones. Stoicism had a whole other layer of meaning for me. I built walls, and walls for those walls tenfold.

I remember my mom once telling me that she was so relieved when I had a negative emotional outburst as a teen because she was able to finally know what I was thinking and feeling. Later, I learned that she listened to my phone conversations, read my letters and diaries–all out of a desire to figure out just what exactly was going on inside my head because I never let anyone in. My poor mother just wanted to understand me, but the walls I had built were well-entrenched and difficult, even for me, to break down.

Still, I would cry every night in my bed–alone and scared with my thoughts. I feared for years that I would wake up the next day to learn that I was being given away again. My nights of insomnia, or escape into books until sleep overtook me, were my attempts at making each day last as long as it could since who knew what the next day would bring.

Add on to these overwhelming basic worries, teenage years of angst, a poetic’s soul of romanticism, and a dreamer’s wish for a utopian world. Tears were inevitable.

The tears flowed through university, into my twenties and first marriage. They streamed daily until I decided that I could take action to make them stop. I could change my life and take control of it. I did not have to be the victim of the whim of others or the object of disrespect. If I didn’t stop my tears, then no one else was going to. And so, I took one step at a time to turn off the tear ducts and switch on smiles instead.

Turns out it wasn’t hard to smile and it wasn’t a fake-it-’til-you-make-it kind of change.

These days, I save my tears for moments of unity, true expressions of love or attempts to reach beyond one’s natural inclination to show it, and appreciation of beautiful moments of humanity. Although it might seem as if I am unemotional or detached from my deeper feelings, I say that it’s that I’ve cried all the superficial tears. I’ve released all the ‘woe-is-me’ cries and consciously decided to have tears of joy and love. I am not without emotion or moments of weakness. I am, however, with control and discernment as to when a moment deserves the wetting of my eyes. 😛

Instead, my smiles are genuine and my youthfulness is in full force even as a 40-something-year-old!

~T 😀

Sep 072020

It is becoming popular to say “2020” sucks because of COVID-19. It is becoming acceptable to complain and then blame it on the year that so many claim has not happened nor looks like it will before 2021 arrives.

I am curious to know if there is a common introverted vs extroverted response to the evolution of this year, or if optimists react differently than pessimists.

As a realist, here is my take.

The abnormality of this year has been like hitting the pause button on a movie. As someone who actually gets overwhelmed by all the motion and noise of the world, this pause has been like going figuratively out into the woods to take a long deep breath of fresh, clean, pure air.

So, when I hear all the moaning of the noisy minority I think I feel a kind of personal affront to who I am because to be perfectly honest, this has been an amazing year for me. I will be remember 2020 as the year that the world stopped long enough for some of us to take a long deep breath.

In a way, we have seen a division in personalities.

There are those who have told me that all the negative realities of the world are overwhelming them mentally and physically that they are struggling to face the days. There are those who have told me that they feel trapped by the lack of travel or free movement. There are those who have told me that they are bored with their lives because they cannot “do” anything.

My response to those who are overwhelmed by the negative realities because they tend to spend the majority of their time on social media or watching mass media feeding their brains with all the negativity: turn off the noise!

My response to those who are feel trapped: exercise, plan an amazing trip for next time and save up all the money you can now so that when the freedom is returned you don’t look back and wonder why you didn’t prepare for travel and moving again. Be proactive and prepare!

My response to those who are bored: get over yourself and DO something for others. So many restaurants, organizations, programs are struggling. Look them up and offer to DO something or donate if you’re one of the lucky few who has the income to do so. There are a million things to DO in a day that there is really no excuse for this statement.

Now, before my reader says, but: Do you follow your own responses? I preemptively respond with a YEP. And, though it may mean I have to toot my own horn, here is what I have been doing that addresses these perspectives.

1. I have screen time set to turn off every day from 7pm to 5am and it’s off all day on Sundays with the exception of one or two apps that I might use or that I use with my family in case something comes up. I also look at social media twice a day for a max of about 30 minutes or I look for the sole purpose of the magazine to get more followers or contributors. None of it is allowed to be processed too deeply on a regular basis. I do not watch or read the news, so most information comes via word of mouth or an occasional headline that I might see.

2. I admit that this is a little unfair in that we are preparing to move countries and so I have this to look forward to sooner than most. However, as someone who is used to traveling every few months, it has been a challenge. Instead, I have focused on building up our savings account and ensuring that we have a fund to splurge out – plus that fund is allowing us to not stress over the big move.

3. Aside from starting the magazine, I have donated to a homeless organization, used to support a ‘charity’ organization every time we purchase something online, bought from local venues, sent random gifts to others, made gifts for others, and more. So, despite not being an overly charitable person, I have made an effort to push myself to be more generous.

I’m not trying to sound arrogant, but I am trying to say that I am no one special and there are numerous times in my life when I could have said that I prefer the path of darkness, self-pity, anger, bitterness, and wallow in the murky waters. I could have found a number of people to support that way of thinking and to tell me that I deserve to feel that way. However, as Robert Frost wrote: I chose the road less traveled by.

To me, it’s the easy and lazy way to go with the belief that life sucks. It’s simple-minded to say 2020 is the worst year ever or to blame a year – which has no personified qualities whatsoever. Instead, it takes character, integrity and strength to find a path forward that inspires and leads to the best version of who I can be. I want to look in the mirror every day and be satisfied with the person looking back at me instead of dodging the mirror altogether or playing a negative tune at the reflection.

We all have the ability to be and do more. Just do it – one step at a time.


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