May 312016


_You Can Heal Your Life_ by Louise Hay

I was introduced to this author via the title _You can Heal Your Body_ through some ladies at yoga. When I went to the bookstore to have a look, I found that this one was more along the lines of what I felt like reading. The other one may get read as well, but I think that this one was definitely exactly what I needed to read.

Louise Hay shares her belief in how to change our thought patterns so that we are open to abundance and success. Along the same lines as _The Secret_ or law of attraction ideas, her belief is that when we allow our minds to say negative thoughts, even if they seem trivial, we are attracting what we actually do NOT want. Our minds do not necessarily interpret a thought as negative or positive, it just interprets what most often makes a presence. Therefore, if we focus on positive thoughts, then we attract more of that.

I learned quite a few good tricks to keep myself motivated and going especially during this transition period between homes. However, truly, the best part is that I have been able to use a lot of her quotes and techniques to support my friends.

There are times when I just do not know how to best support people when they need a loving word or encouragement as I never want to sound cliché, but also want to offer adequate love. In these times, having an arsenal of quotes or techniques to offer is so helpful. Maybe this is the ‘coach’ in me now, but wow has this book been helpful lately (or at least I hope so!).

To sum up, I definitely recommend this book as a read even if it does not all seem relevant to you. There’s just lots of good stuff in it to make one think.

~T 😀

PS I realized the other day that I have gone delinquent on my book reviews, so have a long list in my drafts of books I have read over the past year or so. Therefore, I shall be catching up and interspersing posts with my literary escapes! <3


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