Oct 102021

Well, we moved to Europe just under a year ago (14th is one year!) with a plan to settle in France. We didn’t quite follow our original plan as M thought it would be a good idea for me to see the eastern part of the country before we decided to buy and settle closer to Spain and the Atlantic, but still on the Mediterranean coastline.

Any thoughts of moving that direction were soon foiled when I started to make friends with whom I connected quickly, which is most definitely not something I usually do. Still, we did explore areas and even drove cross country just to give it another viewing. However, we are fairly easily pleased by location as we don’t have a lot of specific requirements other than to be somewhat close to the sea, not be living with neighbors too close to us, and close enough to a town to get the things that we need, but enjoy visiting for a cafe or meal out.

Then, came the Italian idea. I have yet to complete my posts on the Europe Phase II saga, but – SPOILER ALERT – we have found our dream house!

Although this shall now be a bit out of order in events/process, I wanted to share where we are now. The details on how it all came to be will come in a more focused post on that, but for now, here are some pics and a brief description of our new abode.


Located in the province of Umbria, near a town called Orvieto, we are renting-to-buy (over five months) a country farm house originally built around ruins from 1200 A.D. The house size is about 350 sqm (sorry Americans, I don’t know the conversion offhand, but it’s BIG). There are seven rooms to use as bedrooms, office space, TV lounge, etc. There is an open plan living and dining room with an entry area. The kitchen is open on the ground floor connecting to the open plan space. Upstairs are four of the rooms with two bathrooms and one ensuite bathroom and walk-in closet area. The surrounding land totals 10 hectares (approx. 25 acres) of which probably two acres is manicured with a pool. The rest of the land has olive trees, fruit trees, and open fields at the moment for us to decide what to do with it.

Just a few pics of our new estate

Visitors are already making plans to see us and we hope to have many more as our doors are always open!!!

Benvenuto a casa nostra – Welcome to our home!

~T πŸ˜€


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