Sep 252023
How apropos is this pic, btw? πŸ˜…

Since this is likely to be the last chance I’ll get for some proper time to sit on my own to reflect on the past year and goal set for the next, I am using this week to get a little ahead. Besides, I never was/am one to stick to the “normal” patterns of life nor a procrastinator to try to get it in at the last minute so that I appear “normal”.

Yesterday, I drove up for a week in France. It’ll probably be our last visit for the year since we have quite a bit of travel in November and December with plans to focus on the house and winterizing the place in October. It is fortuitous that I had already scheduled to meet a friend at the end of the week and M is planning to be away on a work trip anyway. So, with all the stars aligned, friends to see in France, and the weather becoming autumnal, this feels like the perfect time to sit, reflect and set some new goals.

Also, I think that it will anchor me a bit. It’s not that I feel lost nor that I am without direction, but it is that I feel a bit like I’m just floating toward a destination rather than on a chartered course. Sometimes, this is OK, but for the most part I am not a fan of this type of progression. I like to have a clear destination and a clear path. Even if the path is winding or has turns with unknown tangents, at least I can see the path and the goal. So, as I am really the only one who can do the clearing it is important for me to take the time.

With that, I shall sit back and ponder with my notebook nearby. Stay tuned for later in the week, when all being well -🀞🏽- I shall return with my reflections and goals.

~T πŸ”₯πŸ‰β™‹οΈ

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