Sep 222023

So, remember when I said I was building up to 108 Sun Salutation As? Well, I did it. I actually finished a few days early because my ankle, back, and legs were starting to get a bit whacked out of shape from the repetitive practice. Still, the goal was achieved and I actually felt really good overall from it.

Although not necessarily noticeable to others, my arms started to look more tone and my belly started to go back to its normal size.

Then, M had some blood tests and physicals done which revealed that he needs to change his lifestyle a bit or he’ll need to go on medication to balance things out. This is not desirable to either of us, so we are on a healthy(ier) diet these days–vegetarian and less or no alcohol.

Funnily enough, it is much easier for me to take on this new diet and lifestyle than him. I suppose it’s not that strange as I’m not the one who needs to change these things, but I digress. πŸ€ͺ

With more yoga–I’ve been continuing to get back on the mat regularly and today started back at the studio I was going to before after a six month hiatus–and starting the Peloton app to build myself up to some other types of workouts at home, my exercise regime is on the upside.

My only real issue lately is not getting enough food. Since M is basically in charge of cooking, we are eating less. This is a good thing overall, but my body needs more fuel than his which means that I need to eat more. Everyone’s body is different and while being vegetarian isn’t really a problem, I do have to supplement with other sources of protein as my body functions better with a higher protein diet. No, this doesn’t mean more meat, but it does mean more Greek yogurt or protein shakes, etc. It also means that I tend to require more snacks throughout the day of fruit or nuts or something substantial.

Unfortunately, I forgot this about myself. The other day, I had not eaten anything and it was a humid afternoon πŸ₯΅. We went to a salsa dance lesson and I got very hot, weak, and a bit sick from not enough water, not enough food, and not enough cooling options. It had been a while since I had gotten that shaky lack of sustenance feeling. 😩

So, now that I am reminded, I shall be more aware of my fuel intake. It might mean that I have to “cook” more, though! πŸ˜… (Probably not!)

Anyway, it’s nice to focus on being healthy and enjoying the fruits of efforts to get in shape. πŸ˜‡

~T πŸ”₯πŸ‰β™‹οΈ

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