Jun 262019

Tomorrow marks my 43rd birthday. In Korea, I guess I would be 44 as they count the nine months of gestation as the first year of life.

I generally don’t enjoy celebrating or making a big fuss of my birthday (except for the big ones), but I never say no to a good party. πŸ˜‰

In truth, it doesn’t matter much how old I am anymore. Some ladies and I joke that we are ‘forever [age]’ based on the year that we have enjoyed the most. Mine is 28.

Twenty-eight was a great year for me. I was in New York doing my master’s. It was the first time that I let loose and felt like a grown up. I partied, I studied, I lived.

Of course, a lot has happened since then. I’ve had good experiences, met lovely people, and married a man of my dreams. So, while 37 wasn’t a bad year either, I’ll still go with the younger number. πŸ˜‰

In any case, I would not change my age for anything. I do not miss being younger. Every year feels better than the year before and I hope this trend keeps true.

Happy birthday to me!

~T πŸ˜€

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