Jun 242019

I feel anxious.

I feel happy.

I feel old.

I feel in love.

I feel tired.

I feel loved.

I feel alone.

I feel content.

I feel stressed.

I feel vibrant.

I feel worried.

I feel joyful.

I feel bored.

I feel peaceful.

How can I feel all these things at once?

The minimizing answer is that I am a woman.

The avoidance response is that I am human.

The truth… there does not need to be an answer.

These days, I have been in what I call the ‘neutral zone’. There is nothing to report about what is good or bad because everything is somehow strangely in balance. Nothing is extreme; thus nothing needs to be shared.

It’s a bit of a strange feeling because I don’t know how to respond to people’s question of “How are things?”. I feel unsure how to respond because, well, it’s good and it’s bad.

We get used to glossing over life and neutralizing everything into “it’s fine” or “not bad”. However, I think I really am in the state where these responses are truth.

How surreal….

~T 😀

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