May 062018

It’s the end of “Golden Week”, which is a bit of a misnomer because you don’t actually get the whole week off unless you take the two days in the middle of the week as vacation. However, it has been nice to have a bit of a break from the usual routine.

We started the ‘week’ a bit early with my work trip to Nagoya last week. M came down the last day to meet clients and then we had a free day to hang out and explore the city a bit. We came home for the three-day weekend that technically starts “Golden Week” and were able to relax even though M worked the Monday-holiday. I got the beginnings of a cold, I ended up relaxing most of the day and my body tricked me into believing I had gotten off easy and the cold had gone away.

During Tuesday and Wednesday, I was at work dealing with some position transition stress on top of trying to get a textbook updated – which is not done despite my best attempts. Although I brought it home with me, I decided against starting that habit….

Anyway, after a great night out with my BFF on Wednesday, I knew that the cold was coming back. Still, I fought through as I was determined to do our day trips as planned.

Thursday’s visit to Kamakura was lovely and the big ol’ Buddha didn’t give me the same eepy-creepies as it used to in my younger days.

Although I think I may have climbed Mt Takao before, it was fun to do it with my crazy hubby on Friday. It was especially nice to be out in a natural environment with some fresh air away from the city grime.

Unfortunately, pushing myself made my body tell me more strongly that I needed to rest. So, despite planning a beach trip on Saturday, the 2.5hr train ride was enough to convince us both that a day to relax was probably best. Still, we were not idle, we headed in to Tokyo and wandered the streets of Omotesando.

Today being the last day of the long weekend, we have done our household chores and I am catching up on writing whilst preparing mentally for the new week ahead. My cold is on its way out, but my body is still telling me to rest up.

Therefore, our first “Golden Week” has been a much-needed rest from daily life and a chance to just enjoy the days.

I have finally just started to be able to think a bit more clearly and to piece together thoughts that I have put off or been distracted from lately. My tech-detox has returned (aside from using the computer to write) for the day. If I have picked up my phone it has been to make connections with real people rather than just mindlessly surfing the Internet.

Lately, I have felt like I have been drifting through time and space. So, I need to read more pointedly and write more regularly. The weather is amazing and I am determined to appreciate it fully.

Life is truly good and ‘golden’!

~T 😀

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