May 072017

OMG! This weekend was totally packed with socializing and late nights. Thank goodness the new week has started and I have time to relax and catch up on my tasks.

It was a fun-filled weekend that kicked off with an evening brunch with friends. That was a rather dangerous night that left me giving up alcohol (again!) and attempting to recover physically the rest of the weekend – and am not sure that I have yet…. 😐

Despite the late night, we were up early on Friday as M had to go to Dubai and I had to borrow a car from a friend. So, luckily I was able to come back home to the couch until early afternoon. I had a friend’s going away tea party, then M returned and went to the boys’ version of the going away party. I met up with another friend for dinner and a long catch up that left me out until nearly 1am!

Saturday was another early rise with a yoga session and then we were able to relax at the beach. I took quite a few naps and enjoyed the warm weather and still cool sea. I did get a bit sunburned, though….

After going to our neighbor’s for dinner, we were home early and back in bed at our normal bedtime. I am not good at coping with these disruptions to routine and schedules. Still, it was a really nice and fun weekend. I am just glad that every weekend is not like this! ;D

~T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 10:24

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