Jan 292017

Before this weekend came I was not sure about continuing with it as it costs money and time, both of which right now are very precious to us as I have to cancel lessons to do the weekend, which sets us back a bit in terms of our money for the week. πŸ˜•

However, after this weekend, I am quite glad that I am doing it and will make sure that I can complete it, the best that I can. 😁

There are 20 ladies in this new group. Most live in Abu Dhabi and all are very lovely. It is definitely a different group than the 300hr ladies – so I feel as if the bonds that we make will remain strong and true.

Aside from that, I also taught a workshop yesterday afternoon on “Yogic Attitude Training” using aspects of yoga philosophy to develop our minds into practice and learning over the next 6 months. 

I surprised myself by sharing more of who I am in the front of the room than I ever have done in 20 years of teaching. Just goes to show how much the energy of the room made things feel safe and open.

Although the content of the course is much the same as the 300hr and I do find myself a bit bored with the philosophy or history classes required for the training, I also think the review is good and am learning more about different bodies, different personalities, different people. πŸ€—

Still, despite the positive energy and love in the room, I am exhausted. I am so glad that God is looking out for me and gave me an unexpected free morning today as I was meant to be doing Apple Training. Instead, I just have the afternoon and then an evening lesson, which allows me some recovery time before going back to it. This week is very full so am already looking forward to the weekend! 😜

~T πŸ˜€

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