Feb 062014

Blogs, blogs and more blogs! As if I don’t have enough to do with myself and all my free time. πŸ˜€

Well, when I was doing my life coaching with Karen, I decided to start a new blog. Originally, I wanted to focus on travel writing and sharing my experiences as a non-Asian Asian traveling around and coping with issues of identity. Plus, some of my travel stories are unique because of my Asian appearance, but Western ways.

However, once I got it all set up pretty and how I like it, I never got started on posting. Something did not yet feel right about my focus for it. So, I waited.

Then, I started to think about using a blog for life coaching as well and wondered if there was a way to combine my blog ideas somehow. During my time away and through a couple of friends starting their own blogs, I realized that The Universal Asian could become just that. Thus, today it has been officially launched complete with its own FB page.

So, I am hoping to combine my coaching ideas and stories with identity and travels in one place. We will see how it goes! πŸ™‚

-T πŸ˜€

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