Jul 022013

Earlier this year, I had some allergy tests done via blood in Abu Dhabi. The results showed I am allergic to most of the things I had expected and a few surprises. However, I was not totally satisfied with just the blood tests.

So, my mom made an appointment for me at a local allergist and I got a lot more information from him.

Basically, I am highly sensitive to a number of things on my skin and many outdoor histamines. Due to some of my outdoor allergies, I may be allergic or become allergic to a number of food items that come from the trees or plants that I have allergies to. However, this does not mean that I have to avoid eating everything, but to be more aware of what I eat and how I react.

To give some peace of mind in case I do eat something my body doesn’t like, I was given an epipen to carry around for emergencies.

Also, I am taking more allergy meds than I’m used to, which I believe is causing me to be sleepier than I usually am. So, I have to adjust the timing of when I take the meds since going to sleep before 10pm and waking up around 4am is not quite ideal. 😉

Anyway, it is good to have a little more knowledge about my crazy body chemistry.

-T 😀

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