Feb 082013

So…it’s been a while. I meant to take a few days to reflect and write, but that turned into weeks and now it’s already the middle of February!

Time has been passing rather quickly and there is much to write about. For now, I’ll give a quick overview and then will try over to return to writing more regularly and catch up on specifics.

Here goes –

End of December:

*Got blood taken at the relatively cheap sum of 300USD to do some allergy tests. Results showed that I am allergic to what I thought in the great outdoors – basically every tree and plant. I also have allergies to horses, cats and dust – which I knew. The one surprise was that I’m allergic to egg whites, but not egg yolks. How that works out, I don’t know. I also had a glucose test done to see if I am hypoglycemic – I’m not. Actually, I’m on the higher end closer to diabetic, so will have to keep an eye on that and perhaps do another test later. I’m still waiting on the bee sting results as the lab has been rather slow and annoying in giving me my results.

*We celebrated the holidays with friends in town, which was nice and low-key.

*The weather was and has been strange, so I didn’t get to enjoy the usual low-warm temps and sunny days whilst on holiday. πŸ™



*Our new year began without much incident. Work started up again as we geared towards the joy of the end of the semester.

*Hell week passed fairly well despite the hours of marking. Thankfully, everyone was kind about it.

*The semester ended and we’ve sort of been on holiday for the inter-semester.

*I was chosen along with quite a few of my colleagues to become an Apple Professional Developer. This means we are training to become consultants on behalf of Apple to help people move their teaching ways towards the 21st century by integrating technology (ie Apple devices). It’s a nice position and although it’s not clear what it will entail, the prospects are hopeful.

*Work work work

*I submitted rather late my Discussion chapter of my dissertation. It wasn’t a stellar piece of work, but it did bring me closer to the end with just two more chapters to go, then revisions. The end is nigh!


So, this brings me to almost current days…. Will try to catch up more regularly.

πŸ˜€ -T

 Posted by at 10:48

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