Mar 192012

I’m still alive…. The first day passed successfully. I did really want to chomp on something greasy as I passed through the cafeteria and smelled all the wonderfully fried food, but then I envisioned my hardened arteries and the pounds added to my hips and put my head down to plow back to my office for my afternoon juice! πŸ˜€

For dinner we had Gazpacho. This was strangely spicy and would have actually made a very tasty soup rather than a juice. R didn’t care for the onion even though he only put in a tiny piece. I think it was the red pepper that added the kick, but he disagrees. Either way, it was still good, but it made me miss the act of chewing on something…. Guess it is going to take a bit of getting used to not eating solids.

We started watching the documentary last night and it seems like a reasonable diet.

As Day 2 has progressed, it’s definitely been easier. I think I may even have slept better last night. Today’s juices are: Mean Green and Bountiful Brassica. Both are very green, but nice. I can really taste the broccoli in the latter one (I’m drinking it as I type).

The best part is that stepping on the scale this morning showed I had already dropped 1/2 a kilo or about a pound! Whoop whoop!



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