Feb 202018

Some months ago I had a six month plan to write a series of articles on how to find peace & calm in our busy world focusing on meditation. Part of the plan was to interview women in the field of spirituality & wellness. However, this did not really happen because I realized that I am not that kind of writer.The truth is, that like any stereotypical ‘artist’, I am self-centered when it comes to writing. It needs to be personal. It needs to share my voice, perspective & personal monologue on the world. Unfortunately, I am not fascinated enough by others to share their stories for them. I am happy to read inspiring stories that others want to share either by their own hand or another’s, but not by mine.I realize this may sound horrible, but such as it is. Part of my belief in the world is that we are individuals. Instead of waiting around for someone else to notice us or to tell our stories, we are sentient beings fully capable of speaking for ourselves. If we want the world to know about us, then we should take the steps to do so. Waiting for someone else is pure laziness or lack of conviction, suggesting that it isn’t that important to us at the moment. Maybe later it will be.This is not to say that the role of journalism is not important, just that close-ups and profiles is not for me.Instead, I write my story. Or, I write about my own experience & knowledge.So, my latest article has been published.I am quite happy with it because it was written from the heart. Although it did not take me long to actually write it in the end, the processing time had been going on for a while. I felt as if my voice & heart was in it.It is times like this when I feel the itch to write my story with this heartfelt voice. I wonder if I can weave my thoughts well enough to inspire others?When I read the novels of those I know, I am impressed by their skill in storytelling. At the same time, I feel slightly disappointed that I am reading fiction. Imagine, with this gift of storytelling, what they could do in the world to touch hearts & minds? But, is that their purpose? Why isn’t entertainment a sufficient purpose?Because it’s me!Recall, I am a self-centered ‘artist’ type when it comes to writing – perhaps in life too. :PIn any case, I am contemplating taking my judgy self to task and setting a goal of actually writing that book within.No time like the present, right?We’ll see….~T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 16:22

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