Mar 212018

There are, and have been, moments in my life when a thought comes to me like a vision rather than just a passing idea. When they hit me, and I mean it almost figuratively, it takes some processing to accept it as something meaningful and not just another sign of my “crazy”.

The first time I recognized these moments as having significance was in University.

I used to be good at math, not like a genius, but above average. It was enough that I started my freshman year in a sophomore level course to meet my minimum math requirement. Since math was not that interesting to me, I went through the motions half-aware of its applications to the world. The idea of using math to affect the world was not satisfying to my more creative urges, despite initially wanting to go into international business. Looking back, though, it was probably one of the only classes that kept my attention in terms of challenging me intellectually….

Then, one day it happened.

We sat in groups working on a math problem, applying it to some scenario and I looked up over all the bowed heads. The only sound that could be heard was the quick movement of the pencil lead as my fellow students scratched away at solutions. My out-of-body experience left a voice that said, “This could be your future.”

It was a revelatory experience.

I let my “A” grade slip to a passing “B” by the end of the semester and never took another math class in my life.

While many more minor occurrences have happened since then, I have also suppressed that part of my brain – until recently. Then, it happened again.

As you may know, I have thought a lot on, and written before about, veganism or vegetarianism. Although I have mostly disagreed with the idea of both from a nutrition and health perspective, I am respectful of those who choose this way of eating. However, the other day, I had one of those unexplainable and seemingly crazy out-of-body thinking experiences.

I saw a future out of a science fiction novel, where food (fruit and vegetables) was made in factory-like buildings, not outside on lush green land as one would imagine if there were no animals being eaten. Instead, because we were no longer eating animal meat, there was no need to maintain the land because fruit and vegetables are faster produced in a factory to meet the consumption demand. Despite our desire to move away from processed food, the meat alternatives for burgers, sausages, etc. were created “naturally” by machine production….

Yes, I was fully awake when this hit me. No, I had not taken any drugs or read or seen anything remotely related to this. Quite on the contrary, I had been searching for some new vegan/vegetarian recipes to incorporate more regularly into our diet.

However, now, I am actually a bit unsure quite what to do. The voice left inside me now is saying, “Eat animal meat to prevent this kind of sci-fi reality from coming to fruition”. Yet, I struggle with the desire to not promote harmful animal farms and also maintain a balanced nutritional diet.

So, for now, I not any closer to giving up meat – in fact, I feel a little bit more of an ‘activist’ the other way….

~T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 17:08
Mar 202018

For the first time in quite a while, I have been motivated and engrossed in the world of writing.

When I think about what I want to do with my life other than pickle my liver with red wine and maintain a yoga body on baguette and cheese in the warmth of southern France with my love πŸ˜› , I always always always come back to writing.

Although I have said it before and taken action before, I am back on the wagon of making it actually happen. I mean, this time, I am researching HOW to actually do it well so that I can generate money online and also where I can become a contributor to online publications.

I love that the editor of April Magazine puts up with me and gives me so much writing freedom. So, fingers crossed that there are others out there that are willing to be as patient with me. πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈ

Therefore, while I start to piece together all the different aspects of my interests from travel, to tips’n’tricks, to social issues related to identity, social norms, and the like, to psychological matters on identity building, the voices in our heads, coaching and so on, to adoption, to health and wellness, I am starting to sort out how it might all go together under one umbrella…..

Originally, I thought of the OSH Network as a way for yogis and other health and wellness people to come together, but the creative storm brewing in my mind right now is that perhaps the network of opening the sunshine β˜€οΈ into our hearts πŸ™πŸ½ is all within the strings of my own mind and life….πŸ€”?!

So…the synapses are firing away with the slight possibility of something actually happening sooner than later…but we shall see – we know how my phases can go… πŸ˜‰

~T πŸ˜€

Mar 162018

One of my favorite TV shows is Criminal Minds. Aside from the obvious reason that it satisfies my increasingly morbid fascination with crime, death, and the psychology of murder, I also love it because it has delved into character development, which touches on why people would do that kind of job. My takeaway from nearly every episode is that they are doing something meaningful, significant, and impactful on other’s lives. They may glamorize it for TV, but they also make it clear that it’s not always easy to follow what they feel called to do. Even the character/actor changes has been done with a realistic sense that the job is not always worth it at any cost.

So, then I think πŸ€”, if people can risk their lives, sacrifice their personal lives, and still make a difference, then what is impossible about my dream to write or do something that is more meaningful, significant and impactful?

Perhaps, because I am starting to grasp the reality of aging and watching the youth grow into adults, I am struck by a stronger than usual sense of frustration in watching others – young and older – live life inefficiently and with lackluster. At the same time, I recognize my own self-limiting way of thinking in not really doing anything purposeful to influence those I can to change perspective or be motivated to do more.

Sure, I can find a lot of reasonable excuses, but they are still excuses.

Therefore, despite filling my mind with stories of those who can no longer do anything in this world, I am somehow awakened to what is possible among the living. I never want my story to be – “she always talked and wrote about wanting to write or share her story in hopes of making a difference”. Instead, I hope that when my time comes people will say – “she influenced me to be a better person through her writing.”

Then, I would feel as if I have fulfilled a purpose.

So, to do this I am going to do a bit of research – yes, of course! I need a bit of help in creating a functional structure to make this happen. Just like we say with yoga, when a teacher is ready students will come, when the book is written readers will buy and read it!

Stay tuned for more on this soon!

~T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 18:00
Mar 132018

We are all walking contradictions, aren’t we?

If we think about terms like:

Do as I say, not as I do. OR The grass is always greener on the other side.

Or, even if we were to analyze our negative sentiments towards hypocrisy, we would likely find that there is so much we are hypocritical about in our own lives.

I have always struggled with the concept of conformity. Yet, that doesn’t mean I want to stand out either. In fact, I spent much of my childhood and even many adult years trying very hard to avoid being ‘noticed’, but then when I am not noticed I feel slighted.

The other day, someone posted about something to the effect of:

If you tell someone something they don’t like and they get upset with you, it’s some issue with them that they need to deal with to accept what you have said. On the other hand, if someone tells you something that you don’t like then, it is still some issue with them that they felt the need to tell you something you didn’t like.

πŸ€” My question, then, is at what point do we need to deal with our issues that we needed to tell someone something we didn’t like or perhaps we need to accept what someone has said that upset us?

The reality is that we can never ‘win’ or be happy with this kind of thinking. πŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™€οΈ

So, is there an answer…? πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈ From my limited understanding, reading and observing, it seems that there is not. We can only try our best to understand ourselves as well as we can and react accordingly to whatever life throws at us.

Therefore, if I want to be noticed, then I should make some noise! Or, if I am unhappy with something someone has said, I can reflect upon it and then respond in a way that we both gain from the communication. Taking responsibility for both my causal actions and my responses, I can avoid as many contradictions as I can that may cause some disharmony in the world. The less disharmony, the better, right?

This is a bit of a ‘brainstorm’ for an article I am about to begin working on as well as the practice of just writing to ensure I am moving forward with these habits. Plus, I need a method to some of the madness called my mind. πŸ˜‰

~T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 09:07
Mar 062018

Last week when I missed my intended train stop for the second time in as many days, and then this week having nearly left my phone behind twice, I decided that perhaps my brain is in need of a bit of a break.

Generally, I am on top of things even when I am trying to convince myself that the myth of multitasking is the real myth. However, this morning, i actually wrote this sentence:

β€œI currently have the kettle boiling, laundry going, bath heating, news playing and pen in hand for writing.”

The only actions that involved my effort were listening to the news and writing, yet I was not really doing either one that well.

So, while I could say it is β€˜hormones’ or perhaps it is a bit of β€˜spring fever’, I think the real truth is that I need to slow down a bit. This should be more obvious to me as I am spending more time reading these days, which is usually a sign that I am using escapism for some reason. Although, I do not necessarily feel β€œoff”, I am trying harder to be in the present moment rather than buried into electronics or a million other activities.

This is enough of a reminder for me to be more disciplined with my meditation….

~T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 10:25
Mar 022018

It’s only the second day of the month and I found myself already worrying about the rest of the month.

As I found myself with an unexpected early finish today and plans for a night out later, so no reason to go home, I decided to reset myself.

First, it was a lovely opportunity to meet up with my hubby for a lunch date. Also, we were able to take steps to fixing a phone issue, so that was also an accomplishment. After parting ways with my man so he could go back to work, I decided to have a bit of a wander.

I got to sit outside for a while and soak up some much needed sun to let my mind drift without too much thought or worry.

There were a few splashes of color as well.

Knowing that I still had about five hours to kill, I decided to walk the 30 minutes or so to my destination and do my usual activity of finding a Starbucks and parking myself there. However 4.5 hours still felt like a bit too long to spend even in the most comfortable of Starbucks. So, I searched out a “cheap” massage. It took a bit more walking, but I finally found a branch of a nice chain, which I’ve used before, that I will likely frequent again because it’s a little bit tucked away despite being on a fairly well-worn track.

Plus, on the way, I took care of an errand I needed to do this weekend. Then, 70 minutes later, my body feels relaxed, my mind is freer and I’ve still got my cafe time. πŸ™‚

Clearly, the Lord knew that I needed the afternoon off so that I could stop the spiral of worry that I was starting to wind up. Now, I just need to get my writing brain going for some paid articles and all will be well.

Most importantly, though, I am content again. My mind is calm. Sometimes, we just need to appreciate the little surprises that come our way.

~T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 13:32

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